Nights with you-MØ

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"Girl, you're gorgeous. Even though you might not always feel like it but you are." She was just that and more. She mesmerized me and captivated me with not only her extraordinary beauty but her whole persona and being in general. I remember the intoxicating nights ___ and I would spend together talking nonsense through our asses. ___ would always tell me how much she wished she could feel her best self and believe it. I made sure I reminded ___ every day how gorgeous she was, and how grateful I was to have her in my life. "I'll take you out tonight. Throw away your phone. Don't care about your boyfriend waking up alone." We did just that. Climbing into ___'s Jeep Wrangler and cruising through the bustling streets of L.A. with the top and doors off. Feeling the buzz rush through my veins made us both feel alive. "Why did you throw your phone out of the car?" "I'm starting down a new life path. I'm disconnecting from all the unnecessary bullshit that's going on right now." I couldn't help but smile at ___'s new found way of life. "What about Taylor? He'll take notice that you didn't wake up next to him in the morning." "Let him. He's not my problem anymore. Besides, I found out the douchebag has been cheating on me." "I'm sorry babe. You don't deserve that, you know." "In all honesty, I'm not upset about him cheating. I didn't even like him that much anyway." All smiles broke out on our faces as ___'s confession came flowing so easily out of her mouth. "I just wanna spend the nights with you. Do it like your mother said not to do." All I wanted to do was spend every night with ___. She made me feel alive in more ways than one. ___'s mother hated me, and I knew she hated it when we hung out. Her hatred for me never stopped us from seeing each other. ___'s mother caught on pretty quickly when she found out ___ was sneaking out at 2 in the morning to adventure with me. That made her blood boil through the roof. "Lose the tension. Even though the world is mad and you feel out of control." I could sense and feel my whole body tensing up with every second that was passing by. "MØ, relax your body babe. I can sense the tension in the air and it's not pretty." "I'm sorry. All the racing thoughts of getting caught are running through my mind right now." "Don't worry about getting caught. I'm here with you, and that's how I want it to be." The feeling of the world beating down on you was overwhelming. The feeling of losing complete control over everything right now felt unbearable. "I feel like I'm having a hard time controlling everything around me." "What do you mean MØ?" "This situation we're in right now. Everything that's going on with us. Just us in general." "What about us?" "I think I'm falling for you and I can't stop myself from loving you. I'm scared of my own feelings." There was no turning back now. Now that everything was out in the open, I couldn't take back what I confessed, and I was afraid ___ would see me differently after this. "But you're the best thing. When you let it all fly, bang your head and put your hands up in the air, oh babe." I felt the Jeep coming to a smooth stop. I looked over at ___ and gave her a look. She just smirked at me and turned the car off, and took the keys out of the ignition. My eyes intently watched ___ as she climbed over the middle console, and straddled my lap while placing both of her hands above my head. "You're the best thing in my life, MØ. I don't want you to stop yourself from ever loving me. I think I'm falling in love with you, too." I leaned in and softly kissed ___'s lips. My hands running their way down her body, and resting at her hips. All the tension, racing thoughts, doubts, and worry were slowly dissipating. "I love you, ___." "I love you too, MØ." I couldn't help but smile when ___ put her hands in the air while I was driving. I admired her through my peripheral vision. God, was she absolutely stunning to me. "What are you thinking about?" "You, us, the future." "I hope you see me in your future." "I've always seen you as my future, ___. You will always be my future." You can't help who you fall in love with. You can fall in love with your best friend and keep falling in love with them, every second of every day. 

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