No one compares-Cammie Scott

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"Thoughts of you and me keep passing by. Like ships in the night, we never collide." There these thoughts go again. Do you ever get so consumed just thinking about someone who's stuck on your mind? That's how I was feeling with my ex, ___. She and I had broken up over a year ago. ___ still pierces my mind every time I wander off into my own bubbled world. Since it's been over a year with no contact, we never collide with each other anymore. "Need you even after all this time. You can't be replaced even if I tried." The more my thoughts had tried convincing me that I don't need ___ anymore, the more my thoughts had made me second guess myself that I did need her. The blatant truth was, ___ had been, no fuck that, was my world. I'm the cliche of a woman who was still stuck on her ex. After all this time, I don't think I ever fully got over her. When ___ and I had first started dating, she had this aura about her that roped me in. I felt complete when I was with her. When I was without her, I felt empty. I've had flings, hookups, one-night stands, attempted and failed relationships in the past year, but no other woman I've been with even comes close to ___. It's like I'm almost purposely finding faults and flaws in all of them. " I'm looking at her face but I'm seeing you. She's sleeping on your side, what can I do. We should be heart to heart, my mind is on you. I try, I really do." I had gone out to a bar with a couple friends of mine. They could tell I was on edge and needed to let loose for the night. I had spotted this cute brunette across the room. We downed some Vodka shots, talked, danced and got handsy with each other, and left together. I took her back to my apartment and she immediately passed the hell out. Tears started welling up in my eyes because she was sleeping on ___'s side of the bed. I couldn't stop myself from letting out silent sobs that I had been holding in for God knows how long. I should be heart to heart with this woman in my bed, but my mind is on you. I try, I really do. " Every time I think I've found somebody. I just wish that somebody was you." Time is what I kept convincing myself that I needed. I thought time was supposed to heal things? I thought the woman from the bar could be 'the one' for me, but I keep comparing ___ to everyone I meet. I know who I want. But I can't have her, I let her slip through my fingers like sand. "Make it hard for me to love again. Oh, where do I start and when do you end. Even if I tell myself I can. I know that I'll break before I can bend, yeah."  "Shit sucks." "Cammie, are you even trying to get over ___? It seems like you're choosing women who remind you of her." " So what if I am? Am I going to hell for that? Is Satan going to come and drag my ass to his fiery depths of hell?" "This isn't healthy for you mentally, physically, and emotionally. All you're doing is torturing yourself. When are you going to stop punishing yourself and move on?" "When I have ___ back." I know that I'll break before I can bend. When you can't move on, you're only making yourself miserable in the long end. ___ makes it hard for me to love again. I want to love somebody, but how can I love somebody when I can't get over her? "No one compares to you." If there was one statement that I found to be true, no one compares to you. No one will ever compare to you. No one can ever be you, ___. I'm just the grown-ass woman who can't move on from you. You're the successful woman who's living her best life with someone new. What hurts the most is that I wish I was that somebody you were moving forward with. No one compares to you because no one will ever love me like you. 

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