Caught-Hayley Kiyoko

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I hated myself and I hated the fact that I had to hide my relationship from everyone around me. I had met Hayley when I attended her concert when she came to my hometown. I was pumped I was going to meet her since I stan Hayley and her music. After meeting her at her concert, exchanging phone numbers, text messages, phone calls and FaceTime chats, we both fell hard for one another. Hayley wanted to show me off to her friends, family and fans, but I couldn't have her doing that. She knew I hadn't come out to anyone and the thought of people finding out that I was gay scared me. I grew up in a strictly Christian household and my parents would constantly preach how 'being gay was a sin' and that anyone who was 'gay would be going to Hell.'" I was terrified of them finding out my secret and disowning me. The thought of my own family disowning me scared the shit out of me. Hayley was supportive and understood why I couldn't have our relationship public. I felt like I was being selfish and only thinking of myself, which you could argue that I was, but I just couldn't risk anything yet. Hayley and I were in my kitchen messing around and having a good time with each other. My parents were away on business trips. I was just thankful they weren't home at the time.

"Do you want take out or pizza to eat?"

"I want to take you and eat you out."

I looked at my girlfriend and laughed at her dirty-minded comment.

"Take out it is."

I dialed our favorite Chinese restaurant and was ordering our food when I felt Hayley lift me up and place me on my countertop. I was trying to stifle back my moan as she was kissing down my neck and grabbing at my breasts. I glared at Hayley and saw the smirk growing on her face as she continued what she was doing. I quickly finished placing the order and ended the call while tossing my phone to the side. I couldn't help the moan that made its way out of my throat and in her ear.

"You like that?"

"Keep going. It feels so good."

"I want my dessert first."

I gasped when I felt Hayley fingering me. The way she could eat me out sent me straight to Heaven. I hadn't noticed that my parents were standing in the doorway seeing my girlfriend face deep in my pussy pleasuring me and making me moan out her name. I jumped when I heard someone clearing their throat. I looked up and my face dropped when I saw my parents standing there. I could have sworn they were going to beat me after witnessing this. I nudged Hayley trying to get her to stop, but she kept going.

"Hayley! My parents are here!"

I felt Hayley's head shoot up and look in the direction of where my parents were standing. A look of fear on her face. I shakily jumped off the counter and tried putting my pants back on without falling over.

"What are you doing here? You're suppose to be on business trips. Both of you."

" to seeing our daughter can't answer her phone when we try calling her, explains a lot."

"I didn't know you tried calling me."

"How would you ___. You're too busy engaging in sex to even care! What is this atrocity that we just witnessed? Huh?"

"It's not what it looks like."

"Looks to me like you're both 'more than friends.' Am I wrong here to assume that?"

"N-no, you're n-not."

"I can't believe you ___. How could you do this to us? You know how God feels about gay people. You're a sinner and you're both going to burn in Hell!"

My moms words hit me hard. I knew she hated gay people, but I didn't think she would ever say something like that to my face.

"Mom I-"

"I want you and your disgusting 'friend' out of my damn house! You're not my daughter and I hope you never are again."

I could see the visible rage in her eyes as she spoke to me. I could feel tears coming down like Niagara Falls. I nodded my head and grabbed Hayley's hand and lead her outside. We sat in her car and she held me while I cried. She kept apologizing over and over. It wasn't her fault and she had nothing to be sorry about. That night, we just drove and drove. I didn't know where we were going, but we just kept going. We found our way to a hotel that we could stay at until things died down. Hayley held me in her arms that night while I continued to cry.

"Baby, you're not going to Hell and you're not sinning either for being gay. There's nothing wrong with being who you are. If your parents don't accept you for you, that's their problem, not yours. This isn't your fault ___. You can't change who you are. I love you and I'll always be there to support you and protect you."

After that night, I went back to my house to pack my things. Not saying goodbye to my parents nor vice versa. After that day, my mom completely disowned me and doesn't want anything to do with me. My dad on the other hand, came around and he loves and accepts me for who I am. Which I was grateful for. Hayley kept her promise to me and kept loving me through it all.

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