DNA-Kendall Jenner

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You'll never feel so alone in your life until you realize you are alone. I've never been one to put myself out there and be like everybody else. My mom would tell me that I was going to become my abusive alcoholic father who left us behind when he realized he 'met' the love of his 'life.' The funny part about this whole situation is that I'm not scared that I'll turn into my father; but I'm scared that I already am. Kendall knows about my family history and its past. It's part of my life that I'm not proud of, something I don't normally go and tell people. I gave Kendall many opportunities to up and leave me when she could before things got out of hand. But for some strange reason she chose to stay with me. She tells me that I'm nothing like my father and that I won't end up like him when I'm older. I want to believe her, but I don't.

"Why are you still here Kendall? I thought I told you to leave!"

"I want to be here with you and help you! How do you expect me to help you when you keep giving yourself opportunities to push me away! Uh?"

"I don't want you to see me like this. You know how bad I can get."

"You've never once put your hands on me, you've never once hurt me ___. Why can't you trust yourself a little?"

"Because I can't Ken. I have part of my father's DNA and when my mother would constantly remind me that I'm a mirror image of him; it's hard to forget that and it's hard to not think about Kendall! I hate my father! I hate that I'm part of him!"

Broke down is what I was. I was exhausted of trying to fight a fight that I knew I was losing at. Every waking moment of my life that I've known so far has been hell. I wanted to be better for myself and everyone else around me, but that's getting hard to do. Kendall keeps me grounded and keeps me sane when I'm going insane inside my own head. I know she loves me and wants the best for me, but I've never been so scared in my life like I am right now.

"Please ___ let me help you."

"You can't help me Ken. No matter what you try to do; nothing will help."

"Please don't leave me. You're my everything and I need you."

Looking in her eyes and seeing all the hurt and sadness that clouded her made me crumble. I hated when I saw Kendall like this all because of me. I stood there and let the tears fall that I had been holding inside for quit some time. I've never felt more at home than when I'm with Kendall and she holds me close to her and let's me know that she has me.

"___ look at me babe."

I looked in Kendall's eyes trying to hide any sort of emotion that was there. I felt her thumb brush against my cheek and wipe the tears away. While her other hand rested on my waist and rubbed small circles trying to calm me.

"W-what K-Kendall."

"Just because you have part of your father's DNA doesn't make you him. Those are the actions he chose. I know you're strong and I know you'll get through this and I'm going to help you every step of the way. I need you to remember that you are not a mirror image of your father. You won't end up like him. You have to trust yourself ___ and you have to trust that everything will get better. I love you, you're my girl and you've been my girl for the past 2 years we've been together. I know you and I know what you're capable of and you most certainly are not capable of what your father has done. You're my rock babe and I feel at home when I have you with me."

I couldn't stop the tears from flowing this time. I looked at Kendall and saw she was crying as well. I nodded at her letting her know that I heard everything she said. I rested my forehead against hers and kissed the tip of her nose.

"Thank you Ken. I love you too."

I knew she meant well and I knew she meant everything she said to me. We just stayed in each other's embrace admiring the fact that we have each other to be thankful for; and that no matter what
happens we'll always be there.

*I kind of based this imagine off of the song "DNA" by Lia Marie Johnson. If you have not heard her song "DNA" I highly recommend listening to it. I hope you enjoyed this one!

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