Can I Be Him-Lauren Sanderson

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There she stood, looking at him like he was Leonardo DiCaprio. I knew she was her happiest when she was with him. God, if you could hear the way she talks about him, you would never have guessed that they just started dating. Here I was, sitting at the empty table just staring at her, wishing I was in his position right now. I feel like ___ and I are just distant memories and unfulfilling dreams that were bound to break. I exhaled before getting up and walking out of the coffee shop. I couldn't help but feel this pang of jealousy rush through me whenever the thought of them together crossed my mind. 


"Lauren! You have to meet him! He's incredible! I think I may even love him. Do I sound crazy for saying that?"

"Wow ___, I don't know what to say. I'm happy for you."

The truth was, I was miserable on the inside. That should have been me in his place. 

"It's just so crazy how we met. We ran into each other on the street after I spilled my coffee all over his nice white button-up. I felt so bad and I offered to buy him a new shirt, but instead he asked me out to dinner!"

I zoned out while ___ went blabbering on and on about her new beau. I could care less and I didn't want to hear all the details. I knew I would lose my cool at any minute. 

"Look at where you two are now. It's been what? A month that you've been dating?"

"The best month of my life! I think you'll like him. Come to dinner with us tonight and you can formally meet in person."

"That sounds great. Just text me the location, and time and I'll be there."

I cursed under my breath--why the hell did I agree to do this? She's my best friend and I deeply care about her. I have to keep my cool and be there to support her. I walked into the restaurant and my eyes immediately landed on ___. I watched her get out of her seat and walk over to me; embracing me in a bone-crushing hug. Man, was she breathtaking. I could feel my eyes scanning her body and taking in every inch of her. I heard her chuckle beside me and take my hand in hers and lead me to the table. I slightly smiled at the 'boyfriend' while quickly shaking his hand before taking my seat. 

"Max, this is my best friend Lauren I was telling you about. She's incredible. I wanted my two favorite people in the world to finally meet face-to-face!"

"This is the famous Lauren I keep hearing about--it's nice to meet you Lauren. ___'s told me all about you. I applaud you for your successful music career!"

Dammit, why was Max perfect? Almost too perfect if I say so myself. He was everything that I wasn't. I hated that. 

"Thank you, Max. It's nice to meet you too. ___'s told me all about you as well. I hear that you're an up and coming Lawyer?"

"I am. I'm hoping to get my first big case this up coming week!"

"___ sure knows how to pick 'em. You're the definition of tall, dark, and handsome. You're a Lawyer on top of all that. You make me look like a chump compared to you."

F this shit. As much as I wanted to hate the guy, I just couldn't. 

"You two talk amongst yourselves. I'll be right back."

Great. I'm stuck with him until ___ gets back. 

"Are you single Lauren? Seeing someone?"

"I'm single."

"I find that hard to believe. You're an attractive, successful woman who deserves to be swept off her feet."

"What are you implying here?"

"I'm not implying anything in particular. I'm just stating the obvious here."

I take back everything I said about Max before; I don't like him anymore. The vibe I'm getting from him right now is making my skin crawl. 

"I mean, you're not really my type of woman that I usually go for, but I wouldn't mind giving you a chance. You and I could get a hotel room after I ditch ___ tonight, and we could have some fun of our own."

What a pig. I could not believe this guy. 

"I think you're mistaken Max. I would never get with a man like you. You're scum of the Earth."

"What ___ doesn't know, won't hurt. Besides, I can see the way you've been eying me all night. I know you're interested in me."

Is this guy being serious right now?

"You're a douchebag who doesn't deserve to be with a woman like ___ in the first place. She's too good for you. Besides, you're not my type either. ___'s more my type."

I could have sworn I felt a smirk lingering on my lips. His expression was priceless. 

"___ would never go for someone like you. She's not even gay."

"Actually, Max, we're over."

My eyes went wide when I heard ___'s voice booming behind Max. The look of pure terror on his face further insinuated that he had been caught. 

"___ I--"

"You what? You want to explain to me as to why I heard you trying to get in Lauren's pants tonight? Ha, you're real funny Max. The only thing you're getting tonight is the damn dinner bill. Lose my number and get the hell out of my life."

I watched as ___ grabbed her stuff and motioned for me to follow her out of the restaurant. Once the cool crisp air hit both of us, we burst out laughing. 

"Did you see his face? It was priceless! Highlight of my night."

"I thought Max was going to be different this time."

"He doesn't deserve you. He doesn't deserve your time, energy, presence, or all that you offer as a human-being."

"Did you really mean it when you said I was more your type?"

Moment of truth. 

"I meant every wor--"

Before I could get the rest of my sentence out, I felt ___'s lips on mine. I hadn't fully registered what was going on until ___ pulled me closer to her body. I melted into the kiss and instantly wrapped my arms around her waist, scared that I was going to lose her in the moment. We pulled away panting and smiling at each other. 

"How was that Sanderson?"

"You should have kissed me sooner."

"You're ridiculous. Why don't we go on an actual date tonight? Since we're both here we might as well."

"Are you asking me out ___?"

"Maybe I am. Or maybe I just want to get you naked tonight at my place."

"You cheeky fucker. I'd be honored to go on a date with you tonight. Who says we have to wait to get each other naked?"

___ rolled her eyes at me and laughed. The perfect evening ended with the perfect woman. 

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