What's mine is mine-Emma Chamberlain

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I want to thank iloveemmachamberlain for requesting this imagine!! As always, I hope you like it! 

*Promt: Emma gets jealous because the reader is getting too close with another person. 

I had been staying with my good friend Emma for close to a week. I was ecstatic to be spending copious amounts of time with her before our busy lives got in the way. Emma had been wanting to introduce me to her friend James Charles. I was nervous to say the least but also very excited to be meeting one of my many idols. 

"Are you almost ready to go? We're going to be late!"

"Yeah. Give me a minute!"

I finished the touches on my makeup and headed downstairs. I greeted Emma with an enthusiastic smile on my face. 

"Took you long enough!"

"Hey! I have to look my best for when I meet THE James Charles."

Emma rolled her eyes at me and ushered me to her car. We had decided to all meet at Philz Coffee. I immediately jumped out of the car and rushed inside spotting James in the process. 

"I see you guys are all ready aquatinted with one another."

"Emma, why didn't you introduce me to this gem sooner? She's a total babe."

"Okay..before I throw up my breakfast I'm going to get a coffee. Do you want anything ___?"

"No, I'm good thanks. Would you mind getting James some more napkins while you're up there?"


I can't believe ___'s doing this to me. Spending all her time and giving all her attention to James. She just met the guy and now it's like they're in the honeymoon phase. Blah. I just watched as ___ would constantly touch James' arm and laugh at his stupid jokes. It made me sick watching them act all couple-y in front of me. 

"Sister Emma, are you okay? You've been pretty quiet this whole time."

"Yeah, no, I'm okay. I'm just coming up with some new video ideas."

"You're more than welcome to chime in at anytime."

God, I wanted to slap James' hand away from ___. Why does he get the luxury to hold her hand. Can't she see that I'm right here?! 

"Hey, we were thinking about grabbing some dinner if you're down."

"You know what? I think I'll pass. I'm not feeling too hot and I just want to go back to my apartment and lay down."

"I can go with you and stay with you if you want?"

"No, no. I wouldn't want to steal you away from your valuable time with James here. It clearly looks like you two are having the time of your lives."

"Okay then. I'll see you back at the apartment?"

"Yeah, yeah."

I couldn't watch them anymore. I thought I was going to be sick. I got in my car and watched as ___ and James went on their merry way to the restaurant. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I miserably sipped on my iced coffee and started editing my video. I heard the loud and obnoxious laughing of ___ and James coming through the front door. I rolled my eyes before walking the other way. 

"Emma! What's going on with you? You've been acting strange all day."

"Me? You're asking me if I'm okay? I'm surely okay ___ as you can see. You've been acting all couple-y with James all day long. Holding hands, laughing, getting all close with each other. I'm sick and tired of it!"

"Whoa. I'm not trying to steal ___ away from you if that's what you're implying."

"But you are James! I just hate seeing her acting like that with someone else. That's suppose to be me who makes ___ laugh like that. I'm suppose to hold her hand and act all couple-y with her. Not you!"

"You sound jealous. It sounds like you're in love with her or something."

"That's because I am! When I saw you guys acting like that in front of me, I just lost my cool and couldn't take it anymore!"

Breathe Emma, just breathe. You're going to be okay. 

"Emma, you know I love you. You mean more to me than you'll ever know."

"Then can we try being girlfriends?"

"Maybe. Take me out tonight and make it a night to remember and then we can talk about status." 

"James isn't allowed to come. It's just going to be you and I."

"I kind of like jealous Emma. You're kind of hot when you're hot and heavy."

After that memorable date Emma took me on, the rest became history.  

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