I've got you-Paris Jackson

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I want to thank oreo799 for this lovely request! I hope you like it love! Thank you for being patient and waiting--I greatly appreciate it! 

Prompt: The reader has a bad concussion and Paris takes care of her. 

I could have killed her myself for what she did. I told ___ to be careful out on the field while she was playing soccer, but this twit disregards everything I said and goes and gets a concussion. She's thankful I love her ass to put up with her all the time; otherwise I would have kicked her to the curb by now. I groan when I hear the bell I had given her ring in my ears. I almost regret giving her that bell and telling her to ring it whenever she needs something. Curse my caring nature. I trudge upstairs and stand in the doorway to see what the princess needs now. 

"I thought you would never come!"

"I'm here now. What do you need?"

"Nothing in particular."

"Then why'd you ring the bell stupid?"

"I just wanted to see you and hear your voice. Gosh, is that such a crime?"

I couldn't help the small smile creeping its way onto my face.

"You're such a loser."

"What can I say? I'm a loser for youuuuuu Jackson."

I turned around and was about to leave until I heard ___ call out my name. 

"Yes dear?"

"I actually do need something. Would you mind getting me a glass of water and some food?"

"Anything else you need while I'm done there?"

"Not right now babe. Thank you! I love you!"

I rolled my eyes and blew ___ a kiss while I headed downstairs to grab her water and snacks. By the time I made my way back upstairs, ___ had fallen asleep. Damn, was she cute. I giggled to myself and set her drink and food down on her nightstand. I climbed in bed next to her and grabbed her by the waste to pull her close to me. I felt her stir in her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open while she looked at me and smiled. 

"You're back! I didn't mean to fall asleep on you love."

"It's okay. I understand you're tired."

"I know I don't say this all the time to you and you probably think I'm taking you for granted; but I really do appreciate everything that you've been doing for me Paris. You've been busting your ass for me ever since I've gotten out of the hospital and I don't know what I would do without you."

"You know I would do anything for you ___. I love you."

"I know. You have a life of your own, and you are not obliged to be at my beck and call every second of the day."

"I want to be there for you. I want to be the one who you can count on."

"Well in that case, would you be the best girlfriend ever and get me some fuzzy socks?"

"I thought you said there was nothing else you needed?"

"I did say that at first, but then my footies got cold."

I untangled myself from ___ and got up to get her some fuzzy socks. I threw them at her while laughing. I wouldn't trade this moment for anything else right now.

"Do you need me to put them on for you?"

"What do you think this is? Do you think I'm incapable of putting my own socks on? I feel a little offended right now. So yes, you can put them on."

I rolled my eyes and playfully slapped ___ on the thigh while putting her socks on. 

"You trying to get some Jackson?"

I burst out laughing at ___'s ridiculous remark. I climbed on her bed and settled myself above her. I leaned down and kissed her passionately.

"Just wait until I'm bedridden and you're taking care of me."

"In your dreams Jackson. You wish that would happen. "


___ and I spent the rest of the evening in bed cuddling and watching movies. It felt good to have her by my side. 

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