Thunderstorms never bothered me anyway- Paris Jackson

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I want to thank oreo799 for requesting this imagine. Thank you so much for your patience with me while waiting for your imagine. I hope you like this one!

Prompt: Fluffy Paris Jackson imagine where the reader is afraid of thunderstorms 

Those Goddamn weather people. They're always the ones who are lying through their teeth straight to every viewers face. If only they could feel the wrath of ___! Here I was, on a dark, stormy, rainy, cold, miserable Saturday night. I bunkered myself down between my couch and fuzzy warm blankets. There was this odd sensation lurking in the air above me. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I could sense something was off. If there was one thing I absolutely hated, that one thing was uncertainty. Then she hit me in the force of deafening low rumbles and blinding light working simultaneously to give me a heart attack. I knew what this meant and I wasn't prepared for the outcome just yet. I grabbed my phone and dialed Paris's number. 


"The thunder and lightning have joined forces to take me down!"

"I highly doubt the thunder and lightning are trying to take you down. I'm on my way to your place to protect you from the necessary evil in the sky."

"Thank you! Your ass better speed Jackson. I ain't dying alone tonight!"

I tried doing those deep breathing exercises that people are always ranting about, but no amount of 'deep breathing' was going to calm my nervous Nelly ass down. Now, here comes the waiting period. Damn Paris and her living far away ability. Damn you! Distracting myself seemed like the latter thing to do, but unfortunately, I could hardly do that. I nearly stroked when I heard a combination of both a loud knock and the storm going outside. Paris better be thankful she's cute. 

"Took your slow ass long enough. Why weren't you here sooner! I could have died at any moment!"

"Okay, drama queen. Don't get your overdramatic ass all in a twist. You wouldn't have died. I didn't feel like getting a speeding ticket on my way over to see you."

"Well, break the law a little Jackson! We all need protection from Satan!" 

"You're ridiculous."

"That's what you sign up for when you're with me."

"Are you planning on grilling me in your doorway? Or can I come in and relax on your couch with you?"

"I suppose the couch will suffice for now."

Paris and I both walked over to my couch. I nearly got embarrassed as she was wracking her eyes across my mountainous pile of blankets. This is what thunderstorms do to me. 

"Wow... I would have guessed someone moved in with you."

"No time for your sarcasm. I needed an extra layer of protection. These blankets gave me the protection that I needed from Satan!"

"Okay, you need to stop with this Satan shit. You sound like you worship him or something."

Whatever Jackson. I will refer to anyone I please.

"Let's watch some cozy Christmas movies while drinking hot chocolate, and eating some delicious snacks."

"Okay. I'll pick out the movie while you get the snacks and drinks?"

Paris and I came to our agreement and shook hands. I got up and prepared the hot chocolate and got our snacks ready for the movie. I was a little hesitant to let Paris pick out the movie since her taste in films is questionable at best. Nonetheless, me being the good girlfriend that I am, gave her complete control over what we watch. Hopefully, I don't end up regretting my decision. 

"What did you pick?"

"Screw Christmas movies. I picked The Lizzie McGuire Movie."

I'm certainly not one least bit surprised by this.

Paris and I had settled down on the couch with our movie, snacks, and drinks. While we were cocooned in our blankets of protection, I could have sworn I peed myself a little bit when the next wave of thunder and lightning appeared. I could feel Paris jump a little bit, but she soon relaxed after that. 

"It's back and stronger than ever! We're going to die! DIE!"

"We'll be fine you big worry child. I'm here to protect you from the big scary wary storm."

Paris and I had spent our evening cuddled under blanket mounds, sipping our hot chocolate, telling each other corny jokes, and snuggling until we became all snuggled out. Just kidding, how can you get snuggled out? Paris had been the one human being who knew how to handle these scary situations well. She was my savior in these misty nights.

"Thank you for being my savior and spending this time with me."

"You know I would go over a mountain just to reach you and make sure you're okay." 

"You know I would go over my non-existent dog just to reach you and make sure you're okay." 

"You know you're a wormhole ___?"

"I'm your wormhole! Nonetheless, I love you, baby!"

"Yeah, I guess the feelings mutual."


"Blanket fiend."

That's exactly how our night had ended. Paris and I poking fun at one another and feeling no shame about it in the long run. In the end, Paris and I found each other, and that's all that matters to us. 

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