Chickened Out

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~One month later~

(Ooh, I know. Time skip cuz I'm fucking lazy and I already want to get to it)

Eren's POV:

          Historia and I have been meeting each other for about a month now but this was just as friends. No one knows that the both of us are meeting each other. Hell, I haven't even told my parents because I fear that Historia may be part of the Reiss family. I still couldn't get Historia out of my mind. Her beauty, her smile, everything.As I was too focused on thinking about Historia, as a bit of soap got in my eye.
          "Ahhhhh!!!" I screamed.
          "Prince Eren, are you okay in there?" A guard outside said.
          Yeah I'm totally fine. My screaming totally doesn't mean anything.
          "No, I'm fine..." I responded.

          I get out of my tub and put on my clothes.
(Use your imagination)
          I stood outside, a boring day as usual. I took my horse Helios and went on my way. It feels so nice not to have bodyguards protecting me almost like 24/7. All I have is this peace and sound of nature.

          My boredom got the best of me and I went into the capital. I went into a lake to where I was yesterday, well actually almost everyday and sat down at the same spot.
          "Easy girl..." I say to Helios.
          Helios neighs afterwards.
          "Oh you must be hungry. Look my people will get some carrots next time they go out."

          Helios neighs calmly after that.


          Ever since I was little, I've always wanted to explore out of my kingdom. I know it sounds pretty foolish to give away royalty, but if you really think about, I actually want to do stuff myself. I want to wake up normally, well maybe make my own meal, stop having bodyguards all over me, ecetria ecetria.
          "Hey Eren." An unknown voice said.
I turned around and it was Historia.
          "Hey, Historia... I didn't think I'll see you again." I said.
          Ugh. What a dumb thing to say. Now she's going to think I'm weird or dumb or something.
          "Welp...I'm here." She responded.

          She comes and sit down next to me. I can smell a vanilla scent coming from her hair. That's how short she is.
          "Eren can I ask you something?" Historia asked.
          "Yeah. What is it?" I respond.
          "How come I don't see you around any surrounding towns near Sina or any Sina parties?"

          God. Why does she have to ask that?! Out of all the questions she could've asked, she asks this. Calm down Eren, she's a nice girl, maybe she'd take it easy.
          "..........I don't get out my home much..." I repsonded.
          I see the waves of the river going slowly just as the wind going through Historia's hair. Well now she's wearing a short pony tail so that's the most beauty.

(That one hairstyle she has in s2, I just love it, let's just call it her ponytail)

          I moved my hand so I can stretch it out a bit and Historia's hand hit mine.
          "Oh! I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean too-" Historia apologized as I cut her off.
          "It's okay, I was just..." I said
          I stopped what I said as I found Historia moving towards me. I was filled with shock and I was scared. I've never kissed a girl before and I haven't really seen lots of girls out of all my years.

          She got closer to me to the point where I can feel her breath.
          "Hey-um I-I-I got to go." I panicked.

          I get up and get on Helios and left.

(I rushed things too quick. Anyways you know the usual and peace)

Tune in at promises that it'll come out that day but I'll try.


Dec/25/10:41 P.M.

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