Vendetta Pt.2

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    Nile slowly reaches his sword but Levi stomps his hand.

          "Well...what's it gonna be, son?! Huh?"

          "I have no choice...don't worry I won't be as half-assed at killing a defenseless man unlike you, that's for damn sure."

    Nile widens his eyes.

          "It seems only fitting to kill you by your own sword, don't you think?"

    Nile confused face turned terrified. The next thing you know is Levi grabs Nile's head with him Nile shrieking. Levi put Nile's sword against his throat and slit it. And blood gewed out but within a few seconds, Nile's fell against the rock."

          "Serves him right..." Hannes says.


    Levi walks towards Hannes who was down on the ground. Levi gives him his hand and Hannes looks up. He takes his hand gratefully and helps him up while he groans. He falls down but Levi tries hard to make him to stay up.

          "I don't think I'll make it..."

           "You will! Don't give up yet."

    Levi takes Hannes right hand and wrap it around him.

          "Put your weight on me."

    Hannes did and he was able to stand. Levi tries to walk out of a platform as there were small obstacles to get back up the top. Levi put. Hannes against the small obstacle wall and grabs his leg to push him on top. The sound of horse clacking came on the hill.

          "Hey! Down here."

    Levi climbs up the obstacles. He peaks his head above and see Reiner and Bertholdt in the front with some men. They mounted their horses and rushed to their position. They helped Hannes get up. Both Reiner and Bertholdt help Hannes stand up by wrapping his arms around them.

          "Where's Nile?" A soldier asks.

          "His corpse down there from where we came from....and you should expect Commander Smith's body"

    Some of the soldiers were a bit surprised at Erwin's but were relieved that Nile is dead, yet they still mourn Erwin.

          "What are you waiting for? Go get their corpse."

    The soldiers listen and went down the obstacles. They retrieved the bodies up and everyone observed his lifeless corpse, bleeding from his neck. They put their corpses on a wagon and mounted up.


    After the long ride, it was nightfall and it they search parties retuned home at their castle. They removed the bodies and prepared to burn Nile but bury Erwin. He has a grave outside of the building as there were a ton of marked graves. Erwin's body was placed next to Advisor Adams and it said,

                    Here lies the King's best

    Levi was just lying respect to the grave and then walked where everyone is. Everyone celebrated the King's miracle.

          "I'd like to say something."

    Everyone heard Levi and turned their attention towards him.

          "If it makes anyone feel better, Erwin died with honor unlike Nile, he was terrified for his life before I slit his throat."

    That made some of the knights chuckled.

          "Just like all of you, I was shocked believe that someone like Nile would betray us. Although a lot of us dislike him, he was tough. I've never would've been able to defeat him without Erwin. Although I never would've been able to suspect that Nile was behind this case if it wasn't for Annie Leonhardt. So for her I'd like to give her a round of applause."

    Everyone started to applaud for Annie, who was in the crowd with her peers. Annie blushes a bit.

          "That's all I have to say. And also those men in the dungeon, someone get them out."

          "They're already released captain!" Annie yelled from the crowd.

          "While you were off on your search, I interrogated them and they said that Nile used them. They admitted that they wanted to overcome the king because Nile promised them power but before they witnessed Nile attempting to kill the King, they changed their minds and thought about telling on Nile but were too late. The king allowed them to live and serve him as long if they would beg."

"Well I guess it works for everyone..."

Hannes, Reiner, Bertholdt are walking towards Levi slowly. Bertoldt is the one helping I'm walk. Levi takes notices of them.

"Hey. How are you hanging up?" Levi asks.

"I'll do fine." "

"The doc patches me fine fine but recommends that he rest for a while." Reiner said.


Hannes, Reiner, and Bertholdt walks toward their horses. Levi stops him and said,

"Hey wait."

Hannes stops.

"Thank you for the assist. I don't think I could've got through without someone's life in danger."

"Hey...don't sweat it. All it matters that he's dead. That's satisfying enough for me."

"So I guess this is a goodbye?"

"I guess it is..."

Levi sticks out his hand and Hannes shook it.

"Let's go sir." Bertholdt said.

Hannes and Levi not turned their backs together and walk their own direction. The three knights mounted their horses and rode off onto the plains, as it is nightfall.

*You know the usual and peace!*


Apr/3/19 8:25 P.M.

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