Happy Trails

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    The next day, Eren and Historia would hang with each other, finally free of separation from the their kingdoms. They discussed the events that had happened that almost led them back to war.

    They are at their usual spot, at the river where they first met. Historia has two guards with her at the back, respecting her privacy. Eren however, likes to be independent and has his horse Eos next to the river.

          "All that happened when we left?" Eren asked while skipping a rock into the river.

          "Yes. It's still a miracle on how he survived."

          "So...this is what old man Hannes almost died for?"

          "Don't be like that Eren, he was doing the right thing."

          "No, he wanted revenge."

          "Okay, but we would've you on situations like you helped us. For that we owe you greatly."


    Eren and Historia look up at the sun. Eren, without making eye contact, asks,

          "So what would you have think had happened? Had I been killed?"

          "I-I don't really know." Historia replies.

          "I felt like I would've burst up. My parents always tried to arrange a marriage for me and I didn't love any of the males that were sent towards me."

          "Eren slowly places his hand on top of Historia's. Historia looks at him and Eren looks back. They both didn't notice however that they were moving closing to each other. After a couple close seconds, their lips touched. The hand that was on top of Historia's is now holding her hand.

    Soon, Historia's hand were cupping Eren's cheeks. Before they were able to move any farther, they heard horse pedaling on the forest behind them. They stopped and looked. The one who's riding is Reiner and Bertholdt.

          "Commander Hannes said you'd be here. Prince Eren. Your presence is requested by your father and mother. They said they want to talk about arranging a marriage when you develop."

    Eren looks Historia and she looks back.

          "You as well?"


          "Well...I guess I don't have to look any farther for our lovers now."

          "I guess. I'll see you around."

          "As the same, Eren. As the same."

    Eren mounts up Eos and rode forward to Reiner and Bertholdt. The trio rode out into the forest and Eren kept a sheer grin at his face.


    *Finally, this book is over! I know I annoy you guys restating how much I hate the story but I'll assure you that I actually had some fun writing the last few chapters. I'm sorry for the short chapter, I've been writing all day, I just wanted to have a nice and sweet ending for Eren and Historia and that is that. What you guys think of it? What is your favorite part? Leave some votes and comments as I always read them. Wait a minute, I just ruined my outro, I'm supposed to say "You know the usual and peace", not tell you what the usual is. Eh, never mind and peace out!*


Apr/3/19 8:53 P.M.

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