Discussion 2

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Later, they've reached a room where there was a table big enough for all the Maria soldiers to sit. They took their seats at the right side of the table. Only half of Sina sat at the table and the other half standing guard. The King and Queen sat at the left side of the table. They all gathered up like the last supper just in case description is hard. Commander Nile was present as well.

He was standing right next to the king and queen, looking at the Maria side like they're all suspect like. A few seconds later, he felt a tug on his shoulder. He turned and it was a guard that he's 'working' with. He walked way back with him and the guard asked,

          "What will we do, commander? We can't make our move here."

          "The king and queen have been sticking together. Maybe I should've killed them where they stand but they've been guarded all day."

          "Why can't we kill the son!? It'll spark a war faster and we can kill the king."

          "Lower your tone. If we kill the son, that means that they will want the war with us and all throughout the lands will know. When we kill the king. We will remain the peace"

          "Any idea on an excuse?"

          "No, but trust me. I'll have a plan."


          "It's too risky! How should we believe whatever they'll keep their end of the bargain?" a random Sina soldier said.

          "You kidnapped the prince. The reason why we're all here. All we want is for him to be brought back."

           "The boy killed the advisor." A random Sina said.

          "You have no proof of that!" A random Maria said.

    Both parties argue over each other over this debate. The king sat unsettled.

          "Silence! Commander Hannes, shouldn't your King be here trying to negotiate as well?"

          "Oh, he was afraid that something could go wrong. Who knows, he felt that your soldiers will kill him."

    Commander Nile came up and whispered in the King's ear. After that, the silently to the room opened and who came in is a couple of guards and then Eren. Hannes stood up as everyone turned their attention to them.

          "Unharmed, see?" King Reiss said.

           "I do not believe he's the one who murdered my friend. I will not rest until this killer is found. Nonetheless, he's free to go. And the deal is that we'll leave each be."

           "Indeed. Thank you for your cooperation King Reiss."

  The Maria gets up from their seats and walk over to Eren.

          "Did they hurt you here?"

          "No. He just said I was unharmed."

           "Oh yes. That's right." Hannes chuckles after.

    Meanwhile, the Sina guards were clearing out. The king rested his head on his hand. Right before Nile could leave, he stopped him.
          "You. I want to speak to now in private." He said.

    *You know the usual and peace.*


Mar/22/19 6:28 P.M.

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