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          The sound of of the horses running their feet on the dirt occurs. One of the Maria guards fire their bows at the Sina riders. One of the Sina riders was hit by the arrow and fell off his horse as a result. Nile noticed this and looked at his men.
"You three, deal with them."
The riders obeyed and made their horse slow down to fight the Maria Riders head on. So there were 6 Sina riders next with the wagon and 5 Maria riders, now so the math. As that happens they picked up their swords.

          The wagon rode on and the riders in the back were forced to slow down to continue their fight.


I sat in my cell thinking what in the world did I become apart of. So they took me to a castle I guess and a man got killed for some reason. It was weird because that man was aligned with the man who killed him. Something is up. Heck, they could blame me for his death. I looked down at my bloody shirt and then lied my back on the ground.

As I was laying, I heard footsteps approaching, coming from the staircase. The door opens and three guards came in and one of them said,
"Get up!"
I did as what I was told and the guard opened the cell. Two of them held my arms and walked me out of my cell and out of the room. The guards put a blind fold over me. I didn't say a word. I'd usually thought that they'd tell me stuff to shut up or something.


          I heard talking as I felt us walking into a room. The door creaks as it open. Could it be a execution that could be waiting for me? I gulped as I thought of that thought. They walk me for a lot of steps and one of the guards says,
          "Here he is my king, just as you requested."
          My blindfold becomes undone and I can look around. The room was big and was in expensive. With the exceptions of diamonds, elegant look, fabric, etc. I looked forward and I see that a man is sitting on a chair. I remembered what the guard said before unblinding me. I remember that man. That's the king from the ball.

          The king sits by oddly with his head leaning on his hand, with a mean expression on his face. Sweat glands start to form on my face. I'm obviously framed for murder.
          "Speak." The guard said.
          "...look, whatever happened, I didn't do anything. One of-"
          "Silence. You have no excuse for your treachery."
          "I-I didn't kill anyone."
          "Hehe. You know just to think that you may be a good kid and may be right for my daughter."
          Won't you find it a bit too odd if I pulled stunts like this after I met you?"
          "Exactly, it's too odd if someone like you to pull stunts like that. That is exactly why I ordered your death in the morning."
          "The blood on shirt is proof enough..."
           "But your...."
          I kept quiet on trying to defend myself as I knew the king wouldn't believe me. It'll be futile. The king then said,
          "Get this bastard out of my sight."
          "Yes, your excellency." The guards said.
           The guards picked me up forcefully and escort me out of the room.


           Two Maria scouts lay on the grass in cover next to the Sina Castle. They obviously weren't that close because they'd get caught.
          "Let's go. We can't take that force."

*You know the usual and peace*


Dec/28/18 6:40 P.M.

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