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~Eren's POV~

I don't know what I planned out. I'm going to be going to my enemy's home. Why can't I tell her I'm shiganshina? Wait I can't do that, Historia would never talk to me again. Okay, calm down Eren. It's like at night, so I'll do my best to sneak out of the castle. Agh, what about the guards outside my castle?

Well, I'm going to take all chances. I already got a tuxedo, maxed out. (Tuxedo will basically be the one on the cover) That's right! There's some sort of basement underneath my castle. It is there because just in case an attack happens. No guards will be guarding there.

~Time skip~

I got on my tuxedo and when my parents get back from their meeting, I'll be gone. It's so perfect that my parents will be gone at the time. I took the room and got out the backdoor. Nobody was guarding the backside. Man, why didn't I think of this before?

I had my horse Eos ready from earlier throughout the day. I saddled Eos in the bunker and through an underground tunnel to the outsides and yes he fit in the tunnel.


As I entered he ballroom, I felt like everybody was staring at me. Well I am a kid eothout his parents so yeah that will be suspicious. I patched around looking for Historia. Damn, no sign of her unit I heard a voice called my name. I look right and it was no other than beautiful Historia.

She had her hair in a bit of a tie and she was wearing a reddish dress (The one in the cover). Historia walks over to me and said,
"Eren, you came..."
"Of course I did. Would you care for a dance?" I asked.
"Of course."
I took Historia's hand and I had to bend a little due to her lack of height and wrapped it around my neck. I put my hands down her waist.
"Eren, you're scared what's happening?"
"...I've never danced before."
With a beautiful girl before actually.
"It'll be alright."
About a couple minutes of dancing a pair of people approached us. Historia looked astound as she looks at them.

"Mother? Father? What are you doing here?"
"Well I didn't know you had a little friend and plus this is good timing. We were just talking about him." Her mom said.
"Wait. Who's we?" I raised an eyebrow."
"Us and your parents. They're here."

What the heck are my parents doing here? I knew they at a meeting, but why here?
"May I ask why?" I asked.
"Well didn't you know. We're having our peace negotiation. It's about time that we put this war behind us."
I'm real glad and all but out of all the nights had to be tonight. Her parents had forced us to come with them to meet my parents. We got to them and parents were there at a table.
"Eren I'm so glad you could make it." My father said.
"You're not mad that I'm here?"
"Why would we? You knew this was an event." My mother said.
"Oh yeah, I did..."

I actually didn't. Now I remember my parents telling me that this day happened but why didn't I remember my parents. Historia's mother tapped her glass with a fork and that got everybody's attention.
"Wow. I never thought the day would come and I wished." Historia's dad said.

~Time Skip~

Her dad finally finished his speech and made the peace treaty and went on with some stuff. I am currently talking with Historia as I was making my goodbyes.
"Of course I enjoyed my time here mostly with you."

Historia chuckled in response. As she finishes I took her cheeks and kissed her. I let go and she is surprised.
"I'll...see you later." I said as I dashed out.
I ran to my parents and Thu noticed me because I am running towards them.
"Honey did you kiss that girl?" My mother asked.
Now I just need to take my horse and leave.

*You know the usual and peace*


Apr/4/18 9:46 P.M.

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