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*Oh my lord! Let's just get this fucking book wasted*

My feet on the clouds. Every breathe I took was breathless. I see myself talking to God and he's like I imagined. All white clothes, wearing brown scandals, bald, a brown goatee. After thinking that, I woke up from my bedroom. I sat there for a while thinking about Historia. Why am I so obsessed with her?! Well I don't really know a lot of people who are my age and I haven't spoke to a girl in a while so this is different.

I couldn't even go back to sleep. I kept rolling around my bed and it isn't so me any good. Later I decided to get out of bed and put on my robe and slippers. I opened my door got out of my room


My guards helped me get ready and I hate breakfast with my parents. After this I went outside to my saddle to my horse. There were already guards surrounded.

Luckily they were walking around and conversating so I guess it wasn't too hard to get around. I opened the saddle room and got my horse Eos.
"Yeah nice to see you two girl."

          I got on my horse and before I rode off I was stopped by a guard.
"Prince Eren, would you like to be guarded?"
"No, I'll be alright. Sina and our kingdom have had an agreement."
"Very well."
I rode off with my Eos and head straight to town to my thinking spot.


Before I got to my spot, I saw a blonde girl there. It had to be Historia of course.
"Hey, Historia!" I shouted. She turned around and said,

I got to the spot and sat down next to her.
"Hey I've been thinking. Since now that we got our alliance settled, do you think some time in the future this will break? It has been bothering me in the morning."
"Hmm, I don't know. So Eren, about last night..."
"I thought about that kiss you gave me."
"Yeah." I said while trying to stay calm.
"Nothing. I-I liked that."
"I'll give you another one if you want."

The both of us chucked at the awkward thing I just said. I didn't actually notice how close me and Historia were. Our legs were almost up against each other. I found that her eyes were staring at me. I couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Screw this."
I kissed Historia by surprised and lustfully kissed back. She wrapped her arms around my back as I cup her cheeks. After 10 seconds we pulled away.
"I'm sorry. You're just so beautiful..." I said.

(Jesus Christ, these two have no chemistry like at all. )

Historia responded by saying,
"No...I wanted you too."
"But-but why?"
"Because Eren. I'm in love with you." She said while staring out of the river."
"What?" I said in surprised.
"I said-"

Out of nowhere, a person came out screaming saying,
"Get away from that boy, princess!"
Historia and I turned and it was Sina guards. The guards rushed to Historia and picked me up and armed locked me from the back.
"Troopers! What's the meaning of this?!" Historia demanded.
"We can't trust these Maria people. You'll be escorted home where you'll be safe."
"Let the boy go!" Another voice in the background said.
Out came were my guards with their swords out. By the time after they came, the Sina guards put a gag over my mouth.
"Historia my dear, are you alright?" A mysterious voice appeared.
A man came out of a stagecoach and from looking at Historia, she knew that man that man.
"Advisor Adams? What are you doing here?"
"Could be under attack by this boy."
"No, you all go it wrong. He a friend!"
"Well you don't know that completely. We got to get you back to your parents."
"Blindfold her." A man on a helmet said.
The Sina guards did as they were told.
"Nile? Is that you?"
My guards were still standing by and to break the silence, they decided to attack.
"Charge!" One of my guards said.
The two sides started attacking each other and both sides took some losses.

A man Nile took off his helmet and said,
"Alright Adams, you've outlived your usefulness."

Out of know where, the man stabbed the man Adams in the chest. Adams groaned in response and then fell down to the ground. Nile then walked over to me and wiped the blood on my shirt for some ominous reason.
"Let's go." He said.

The Sina soldiers ran away and got back on their horses. They put Eren and Historia in a wagon, while they were both restrained. They put the dead body of Adam alongside with them. They retreated but the Maria soldiers got back on their horses and chase back after them with no question. Trying to get their prince back as this leads to a chase.

*Spent so many hours trying to get this done. Anyways you know the usual an peace*


Nov/03/18 8:14 P.M.

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