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The guards locked me in my same cell. I stared at the ceiling while lying my head on the pillow. Why haven't someone come down to save me? Did my men lose? Perhaps, but no one seem to have been alerted that they were attacked. I don't know why they don't think that it's too obvious to have blood on my shirt. I'm clearly framed.

I got off my bed and put my hands on the bars of my cell door. I tried breaking them as hard as I could but it was no use. I push against the bars but it was also futile. I gave up while sighing. I sat down on the bed and put my hands over my face and looked down. I silently cried to myself knowing that my life is over.

As I did that, a small creek came out of the door that held my cell in. I stopped crying and the wiped my tears away in an instant. I looked up up and the person who opened the door was Historia.
"Were you just crying?" She asked.
"No-*ahem* no, just no. I was thinking." I replied.
"Anyways, what are you doing here?"
"Father allowed me to say my goodbyes."
"Goodbyes? You've already given up on me? I'm wrongly accused for crying out loud."
"Eren, I...I'm sorry for that. I thought they'd deemed me as a traitor because I've always been spending time with you."
"But you could've done something!"
"I tried. I tried to talk to my parents but they wouldn't listen. You're already executed tomorrow so it's only a matter of time."
"Matter of time? Matter of time for what?"
"What do you think?"
"So you really think you can get me out? What about all that crap about you saying that you didn't want to be seen as a traitor."
"Eren please."

Historia turn around in a sad discomfort. Her puppy eyes stared at me and said,
"Eren can I ask for one last kiss?"
"...yes, o-of course."
I didn't know what to do, since she obviously doesn't have a key on her. So what? Do I put my lips between the bars? Yikes, that awkward. I did just as I thought and bend down due to her "height". Historia walked up to me slowly and put her hands through the bars to cup my cheeks.

She closed her eyes and as I did for mine. Our lips slowly touched each other and there goes our passionate kiss. Our kiss didn't last for long as she pulled away and didn't say a word while looking at me. She turned away to the door and closed it behind her. If she had that expression, I really am doomed am I?

*Aye I know that was short and I wish I could write more. Anyways you know the usual and peace*


Jan/13/18 9:00 P.M.

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