Discussion 1

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Alright, let's finish these last chapters

Eren's POV:

    They kept my eyes blinded and put a gag over my mouth. It felt unorthodox because I wouldn't be screaming. That tall man did I wasn't being executed but my kingdom did attack. So they don't want me leaving too soon I guess.

They released my blindfold and gag and I took a quick notice at the room. This wasn't the same room where I was imprisoned. This whatsoever looked like a basement.

"You two. Guard him and you three, stand guard outside." The commanding officer said.

They obeyed. A guard came in just as the door closed and said,

"New orders came in, we're bringing the prince to Captain Levi so we can sort this out."

"But we just got here!"

"Hey, do as you're commanded."

"Aye." The guards said in unison.


Hannes and his men made his way through the hallways of the kingdom. Hannes is in front of his men as they're being led by Levi. A man from the back breaks his way through the men and walks up to Hannes he taps Hannes on his shoulder and whispers,

          "Sir, forgive me for asking the obvious but what if this is a trap?"

    Levi turns his eyes left.

          "I know I thought of that. But we're only here for the boy. We can't risk his life over a battle."

          "Relax. You can trust us, or at least me." Levi says.

    They keep walking.

          "Here, as I said before, we don't want a war. So there must be some understanding. We'll get this whole thing settle out and tend to our dead."

    Hannes kept quiet. Awkward footsteps flooded the corridors. The clacking of their boots hitting against the marble floor. 'This had best be worth it.' Hannes muttered to himself.

    *You know the usual and peace*


Mar/21/19 9:44

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