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Song of the Chapter: Cool Girl  by Tove Lo

Warning: Unedited!!


"When alpha particles go through gold foil, they become?" Barb questions Nancy.

"Unoccupied space." Nancy said with confidence.

"Yeah, that." Lennon throws in. Really, she should have studied for her chemistry test but all that was on her mind was Will. The boy would never run away and she knew that. And the weird occurrence with the Byers' phone last night imprinted on her mind as well. From her knowledge, phones had surge protectors. Even if the surge protector had gotten overwhelmed by a lightning strike on the nearest pole, Joyce Byers would be dead the instant the electricity touched her. The fact that she wasn't proved that it wasn't the storm as her father had suggested when she urged him to check it out.

"A molecule that can- Hey!" Barb exclaimed as non other than Steve Harrington snatched the index cards from her hands.

"I don't know, I think you've studied enough Nancy. And God, Lennon, you could not be any more prepared." Steve joked sarcastically as Lennon rolled her eyes, snatching the cards from his hands and handing them back to Barb.

She internally groaned as she noticed both Tommy H. and Carol following Steve over to the group. While she wanted to be friends with Steve, she couldn't find it in herself to enjoy being in the presence of his other two friends. They where different than he was and not in a good way. The two enjoyed tormenting others just for the fun of it and she could tell it was all an act for Steve. Lennon was determined to be friends with Steve and if that meant tolerating his friends, she would do it.

"Now, on to more important matters. My dad has left town on a conference and my mom's gone with him cause, you know, she doesn't trust him." Steve spoke to Lennon as he moved his arms around with every word.

"Good call." Tommy laughed and Barb sighed in annoyance. The girl may be shy but she had some funny mannerisms, something Lennon loved about her. If she didn't like something or someone, she had a hard time hiding it.

"So are you in?"

"In for what?" Lennon asked, looking between the teenagers around her as if her answer would jump out at her.

"No parents? Big house?" Carol spoke slowly as if Lennon where unintelligent.

"Oh, a party." Lennon concluded.

"Ding, ding, ding!" Carol sang, Barb rolled her eyes at the girl's demeaning actions as Tommy laughed at his girlfriend's antics.

"It's Tuesday." Nancy commented, her brows raised in confusion and her voice unsteady.

"Its Tuesday!" Tommy mocked, causing Lennon to narrow her eyes at the boy making fun of her friend. Both Tommy and Carol giggled, Lennon taking a deep breath to stop herself from saying something not particularly nice.

"Come on." Steve said, holding a hand out to his friends in attempt to calm them down. That right there was what separated Steve Harrington from his friends.

"It'll be low-key, just us." Steve assured Nancy. Lennon appreciated how he tried to make her friend feel better after Carol and Tommy's annoying laughter.

"What do you say? Are you in or are you out?" He questioned, looking between the three girls before settling his eyes on Lennon.

"In." Lennon said simply with not much thought to her answer. She figured with the new uproar in her town, she could use a night of just being a teenager.

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