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Song of the Chapter: Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins

Warning: Unedited!! (Also, Shit's about to go down)


"Did you hear that?" Nancy lifted her head up, looking to the door of the Byers' home. Lennon's own head lifted, her body sprawled out on the arm chair, leaving the couch for her two friends.

"Just the wind." Lennon assured, wrapping gauze around her hand, covering the cut spanning the length of her palm. A red stain was slowly growing and Lennon pressed on the cut to try to stop the bleeding. She ignored the hot, throbbing sensation radiating from the area.

"Are you just saying that to make me feel better?" Nancy worried, her eyes glued to the door.

"Nance, we summoned a flower monster with death warrants for all three of us. I don't think anything I can say would make you feel better even if I tried." Lennon raised her brows at her friend, who smiled sheepishly in response, looking down to finish bandaging Jonathan's hand.

"My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes." Jonathan's dark eyes shifted from Nancy to Lennon and back. Even in the dim room and even dimmer situation at hand, Lennon could see the love in his eyes. He seemed to not be able to help from lighting up when he glanced at Nancy. The observation brought the slightest smile to Lennon's face as she focused on pressing on her cut. She didn't even stop to question his comment, surprise didn't come easy to her these recent days.

"Speak?" Nancy wondered curiously.

"Blink. Think of them as alarms." Jonathan cleared up. A heavy silence lingered overhead before Nancy spoke up.

"Is that too tight?" Nancy asked, looking up from Jonathan's bandage.

"No. Its-its fine. Thanks." Jonathan shook his head. Lennon felt the mood in the room shift and felt left out. She felt as if the atmosphere pushed down on her friends, leaving her to float in the air, disconnected from whatever they shared in that moment. Nancy and Jonathan needed a moment alone even if they didn't know it themselves.

"I'm gonna get some more of that cereal." Lennon hopped up from the arm chair she was previously sprawled out upon. Her converse-clad feet carried her into the kitchen as Nancy finished wrapping the bandage around Jonathan's hand, leaving her own overtop. Lennon walked to the counter, lifting herself to sit beside the cereal box. She shoved her hand in, reaching for a handful and putting it in her mouth. Lennon chewed as she looked at her bandage, her mind racing. It always seemed to end up at Steve.

A hasty pounding on the door shook Lennon from her thoughts, the girl gasping as she nearly fell off of the counter. Her hands steadied her as she gripped the edges of the counter, feeling her heart jolt out of her rib cage. She took a shaky breath before pushing herself off the counter. She scurried to the living room, popping her head into the room as Nancy and Jonathan nearly jumped again. Her hand behind the wall clutched the cereal box and all her friends saw was her head poking out from the wall and a curtain of blond hair cascading down.

"Jonathan! Are you there man?" Lennon walked fully into the room as she looked to the ground, recognizing the voice.

"Steve?" She looked to her friends on the couch in confusion. No, no, no, no. Now is not the time. He can't be here, she thought to herself.

"It's-it's Steve! Listen, I just wanna talk!" He chorused from the outside of the door. Lennon's mind then wandered to the demogorgan, that they called here. Lennon's eyes widened as she hurried to the door, hopping over the gasoline spilled on the floor earlier. She couldn't let Steve stay here while the monster was well on it's way. Steve begins banging on the door again as she reached it, the chain lock shaking with each time he hit. Lennon unhooked the chain lock, moving to the lock on the knob. She ignored the sting she felt on her palm as she twisted the door open, forgetting not to use her cut hand. Pulling the door open, her eyes connected with Steve's which narrowed in confusion and softened at the sight of her all at once. His forehead creased as his thick eyebrows gathered.

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