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Song of the Chapter: Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks (1st part) and You Are a Memory  by Message To Bears (2nd part)

Warning: Unedited!!


Lennon Hopper sped down the road, a dangerous habit of hers. She was in truth, an excellent driver. As a child, her dad would sit her on his lap and let her steer the car, seeing as she was too short to reach the pedals. They'd spend hours spinning around the empty parking lot at the end of town. It was something she missed.

Her old car barrelled down the two lane road surrounded by extensive woods on both sides. Every now and then, she would pass a house but for the most part, it was the most deserted road during the day. The cigarette between her fingers had smoke rising up from it before she took a drag from it. She tapped her thumbs on the steering wheel to the tune of a Stevie Nicks song coming through her speakers, singing along to the vocals as smoke blew out of her nose and mouth. Her grey eyes reflected the overcast sky above her as they scanned the road ahead. In the distance, four figures came into view. Three walked alongside bikes they held beside them. 

Lennon slowed from her dangerous speed, nearing the kids. As she got closer, she noticed it was Mike, Dustin and Lucas, joined by some girl she had never seen before. Slowing down even more, she twisted the knob on the radio, turning down the song as she cranked open the window. She opened her mouth to speak but noticed the cigarette still between her fingers. She jumped in her seat, pressing the cigarette into the ashtray in the center console.

"Mike?" She called out, slowing down as she came up beside the kids. The girl they walked with jumped at the sound of a new voice. With a clearer view, she noticed how odd this child looked. She was an adorable-looking girl with a buzzcut. Most little girls around here sported long hair, usually riddled with hairspray for height. Lennon admired the girl's difference. "What are you doing all the way out here?" She asked, leaning towards her passenger side window. The kids all looked to each other. Dustin shrugged at Mike, not knowing what to say.

"We're -uh-, we're camping?" Dustin's voice rose, an obvious tell that he was lying, and something Lennon knew already.

"What are you guys actually doing?" She narrowed her eyes. She wasn't trying to ruin their fun or anything of the sort, only make sure they weren't in trouble. Mike looked to his friends, including the girl with the buzzed haircut. After a long moment, the Wheeler boy looked back to Lennon.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone, okay?" Mike spoke carefully, looking down both ends of the road to make sure nobody was following. Lennon smiled, playing along with their little game. She opened her car door, stepping out onto the cement after tearing her keys out of the ignition. She rounded the front of her car, leaning against the passenger side to face the kids.

"I won't, one-hundred percent, buddy." She told the raven-haired boy, thinking he was playing a game with his friends. The girl by his side looked to him worried, as if she didn't want him to tell. Mike looked at her with a reassuring smile.

"It's okay. She's a friend." He nodded to her.

"Friend." The girl repeated, offering her own small smile. Something about the girl made Lennon's brow quirk up in confusion.

"We don't think Will's missing." Mike began. Lennon sighed, sadly. He was in denial, not wanting to believe the truth.

"Mike-" She started.

"No, he's serious." Lucas cut her off. Lennon furrowed her brows at the boy.

"Murder-type serious?" Lennon questioned.

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