For Will. For Barb.

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Song of the Chapter: Renegade by STYX (Its the type of song that would play as a character is getting ready for war.)

Warning: Unedited!


Lennon heaved open the heavy door leading to the lobby area outside the gym. With Jonathan trailing behind, she walked in, spotting Nancy sitting with her back pressed to a wall with a large mural of a tiger set in front of an American flag. The door slams behind Jonathan as Lennon slides down the wall, placing the rifle by her side. Her hair is pushed up as she pressed her head to the wall and her legs bend in front of her and she set her hands on her knees. Jonathan plops beside Nancy on her other side. Lennon takes a deep breath, feeling her belt dig into her nearly flat stomach and the handgun press into her back.

"We have to go back to the station." Nancy blurts.

"Cool, I have the keys." Lennon digs the ring of near a dozen keys from her deep jacket pockets. The jacket was from the boy's section after all so it had been made with large pockets and cropped just right. She dangles the keys from her finger, holding her palm parallel to the floor tiles. Jonathan and Nancy give her odd looks, wondering why she had the set of keys. They were curious, but not surprised. "Callahan should keep better track of his things." She shrugged, shoving the jangling metal back, resting her hands in the pocket.

"Why the station?" Jonathan asks Nancy.

"Your mom and your dad are just walking in there like bait. That thing is still in there. And we can't just sit here and let it get them, too. We can't." She mutters looking from him to Lennon. The blond knew where her friend was going. She was planning on drawing the monster to them and ending it once and for all. Lennon was one hundred percent down for the hunt. That bitch was going down.

"You still wanna try it out?" Jonathan says, staring straight ahead at the wooden double doors.

"I wanna finish what we started. I want to kill it." Nancy said, determination in her shaky voice.

"For Barb." Lennon nodded, staring ahead in a daze. If she couldn't bring her best friend back, she would get her retribution for Barb. "No way am I letting that flower kill my dad, or your mom. No way." Lennon stood to her feet, groaning as she bent for the rifle on the ground. She held a hand out in front of Nancy who took it in her own. Lennon helped pull the girl to her feet, moving a hand to Jonathan. The boy looked up to her as Nancy put her hand out as well a small smile gracing her face. Jonathan smiled back at her, grabbing the girls' hands and standing to his feet.

"Let's do this shit." Lennon smirked, practically feeling the motivation coursing through her veins. Her smirk falters as her mind drifts back to the children. El, Dustin, Mike and Lucas sat in the gym still, huddled around each other and Lennon felt the need to tell them where she would be running off to. She knew they would be able to take care of themselves, hell they cared for a telekinetic girl for nearly a week and nobody knew but her. "I uh-I actually am gonna say bye to the kids real quick." Lennon squeezed her friends hands before dropping them and picking up her rifle, leaving Jonathan and Nancy standing with intertwined hands as Lennon ran off. Her converse squeaked on the tiles as she ran through the double doors. Lennon held the rifle by her side, pointing it at the ground as she stepped onto the hardwood flooring of the gym. The kids' heads turned as soon as the doors opened, flinching in fear of it being something or someone trying to get them. Lennon sighed, wishing the kids didn't have to experience the horrors of the world. She wanted to set them in their own rooms where nothing could touch them. Hurt them.

But that wasn't real life.

"What's wrong, Len?" Dustin sat straighter, watching the girl make her way to them. The kids eyes widened at the sight of her gun in hand. Eleven jerked off of Mike's shoulder where she leaned, placing a hand on the bleachers to stabilize herself. Guns weren't something she was fond of. Lucas, Dustin and Mike only jerked at first sight of it.

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