Eat My Shorts

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Song of the Chapter: Hazy Shade of Winter by The Bangles

Warning: Unedited!!

Some shit is about to go down.


"Come on, come on, come on." Nancy sang impatiently, tapping her foot as she listened to the payphone ring. Lennon groaned, not wanting to waste any time in finding their friend. Both girls felt deep down that something was really wrong. Lennon rolled her head around, looking at the bright yellow school buses at her side. The cold November air blew through her blond hair, whipping it around her shoulders.

"She better answer, that was my last quarter-" Lennon complained as Nancy cut her off.

"Hi." Nancy spoke into the phone. Lennon perked up, looking at Nancy who looked to her as well. Lennon nodded her head, moving her hands as a signal for Nancy to go on. "Hi, uh, Mrs. Holland. It's Nancy." She continued.

"Good, I'm good. Um, I was just wondering if Barb was there?" Lennon listened as Nancy talked to the woman on the other line. She ran her tongue along her lips, in attempt to rid them of the dry, cracked feeling. Growing antsy, Lennon stepped beside Nancy, pressing her ear against the other side of the phone just in time to hear the muffled voice of Mrs. Holland.

"-hasn't come home yet."

"But she did come home, right? After the vigil?" Nancy questioned.

"No, she said she was staying with you last night." The woman spoke. Nancy's eyes widened, looking to Lennon in fear. Lennon nodded her head once again, motivating Nancy to go on.

"Right, yes. She did, sorry. I mean, did she come home this morning? I think she left some textbooks and she was gonna go pick them up." Nancy said, her steady voice a stark contrast to her still wide eyes and paler than normal face. Lennon offered a supportive smile to the girl, proud of her ability to make up something believable, or at least somewhat believable.

"Oh, um, no, I haven't seen her." Lennon heard Mrs. Holland say. She felt her own face pale as she looked at all the passing students, hoping to God that one of them has red hair, big glasses and an odd collared shirt.

"Do-do you know what? I just remembered, she's at the library." Nancy said, trying not to worry the mother.

"Nancy, will you please have her call me as soon as you find her?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I will." Nancy nodded sadly. Her brows where furrowed so much she had faint lines on her forehead, something her overbearing mother would scold her for. Lennon was always uneasy around the woman, she had too much focus on appearance and how she looked to others. "Sorry to bother you." Nancy said, as Lennon stepped back, allowing her to hang up the phone.

"Well, shit." Lennon sighed. Neither girl had any idea what to do next. They walked across campus to meet up  with Steve by his car. The group had made plans to attend a game and Lennon could only wish that Barb was there with them too. She always would lean over and whisper funny or sarcastic comments to Lennon, who would return the favor. Neither really had an affiliation for sports but always found the games enjoyable in the company of each other.

"What's going on?" Nancy asked beside Lennon, bringing her out of her thoughts and causing her to look up from her boots. Steve leaned against the hood of his car, joined by Carol and Tommy. With them was Nichole, the Hawkins Highschool blabbermouth. This girl was the source of many false rumors and Lennon couldn't stand her. A nervous looking Jonathan stood opposite of the group

"Oh, here are the starring ladies." Tommy spoke up. Lennon's brow quirked up in confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asked, unsure of what was going on just the same as Nancy. Lennon looked to Jonathan, surprised he was talking with her other friends, seeing as he told her on numerous occasions just how much he despised them. He looked away as soon as their eyes met, causing her stomach to turn, hoping Steve and the others didn't say anything mean.

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