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(I just found out Britt and David were both on an episode of Law and Order)

Song of the Chapter: Daughter by Loundon Wainwright III (It fits amazing with Lennon and Jim's father-daughter dynamic, seeing as I wrote a cute Hoppers scene towards the end, enjoy!)

Warning: Unedited!!


Lennon stands behind Lucas, her arm leaning on his shoulder as she watches Eleven. The entire group, adults, teens and kids are situated around the kitchen table in the Byers' home. El sits at the head of the table, a walkie talkie in front of her as she focuses fully on it. Lennon quiets her breathing, both in anticipation, worry and in order to not distract the girl. Under her eyelids, El's eyes shift as if she's looking around. Her lips move ever so slightly as Lennon notices her hand twitch by her side.

Everyone in the room has baited breath, watching Eleven try to find Will and Barb. Lennon's eyes drifted up to the light as it flickered off, leaving the room in complete darkness. Her grip on Lucas' shoulder tightened and usually, he would pretend he didn't need any comforting. He always kept a sort of guard up but right now, he needed the support he felt through Lennon's close proximity. She was almost like a mother, or an older sister to him, with the way they interacted. In some ways, she even reminded him of his little sister. Lennon looks back at Eleven, the light flickering on as her eyes open. The radio emits a static noise and Lennon shift on her feet, nervously awaiting any voice to come through.

"I'm sorry." El whispers, her face showing a pained sadness that made Lennon's stomach twist in knots. They couldn't just leave their friends in the Upside down but Lennon also didn't want to push El. Lennon moved her hand, placing it on El's shoulder for comfort. She knew the girl meant what she said and didn't want her to feel responsible for the absence of Will and Barb.

"What?" Joyce's eyes widened, her head shaking slightly as she spoke. "What's wrong? W-w-what happened?" Her voice cracked like she were about to cry and Lennon wished she could sprout another arm to reach over and comfort the woman but Jonathan held his hand intertwined with her's.

"I can't find them." El's own voice breaks, her body twitching with empathy under Lennon's hand. Lennon feels a pit form in her heart, the hope she had for finding her friends was disappearing slowly. Her eyes fixed on the table, wondering what life would be like without them.

How would she ever move on?

El's eyes move from Joyce to Nancy and Lennon, feeling like she let them down. Jonathan stepped away from the table, moving his hands through his hair and Joyce covered her mouth and nose with her hands, blinking away tears so the young telekinetic girl wouldn't see. Lennon tried to hide her own sadness, pursing her lips. She decided now wasn't the time to be emotional, she would cry while laying by herself in her room. Or lock herself in the bathroom, taking a long shower while she cried her eyes out. But now was not the time. With a hard swallow, she swallowed the urge to cry.

"Here, let's take a break and figure something else out." Lennon suggested as El stood to her feet. The girl latched onto her hand, her small one in Lennon's which was only slightly bigger. The blond had always been petite for her age, the fact becoming a source of teasing during middle school. El stepped away from the table, keeping her hold on Lennon who had no choice but to follow.

"Just a minute." She nodded to the group around the table, slowly dispersing. El walked to the hallway, turning into a door way for the bathroom.

"You know it's not your fault, right?" Lennon asked as she closed the door quietly. Her eyes settled on the girl who now had tears streaming from her eyes.

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