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Song of the Chapter: Heads Will Roll  by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Warning: Unedited!!


Lennon's boots trampled over the leaves littering the forest floor, her hand grasped firmly around the rifle. Even though she had it set on safety, she wanted it ready, if needed. She had been a few meters ahead of Nancy and Jonathan earlier, giving them some time to talk alone. Behind her, she had heard them progress into a slight argument, but she wasn't in a peacemaker mood currently. All she wanted was that monster dead.

For Barb.

For Will.

Now, Jonathan and Nancy walked on either side of her. They all carried flashlights and weapons. Jonathan had a baseball bat, Nancy had Lonnie's handgun and Lennon had her rifle. The three walked through the trees, venturing further into the wooded area surrounded by all the points Lennon had marked on a map. Her footsteps halted when a noise reached her ears. In the distance, a whimper like sound filled the silence.

"What are you tired?" Jonathan snapped at Nancy who had stopped by Lennon, hearing the sound.

"Woah. I don't even know what you guys were arguing about earlier but there's no need to be a dick." Lennon defended, holding a hand out to Jonathan to shut him up. She turned her ear towards the sound, trying to hear better.

"Seriously, y-" Jonathan began.

"Shut up." The two girls shushed him in unison. Lennon waved her hands around before slapping one over his mouth.

"What?" Jonathan sounded offended from under her palm.

"Shut the hell up, we heard something!" Lennon spoke in a harsh whisper. The group finally quieted, waiting for the noise to repeat which came quickly. Again, the whimper sound reached the teens' ears, striking a sadness in Lennon. Jonathan swatted her hand off of his mouth. They followed after the sound, Lennon leading the way after she switched the safety off on the rifle. The whimpering grew louder as they kept walking.

"Oh, shit." Lennon stammered, looking at an injured deer, twitching on the ground. The poor animal had a deep cut across it's neck and chest, dark blood oozing out. She crouched down, setting the rifle aside, amongst the leaves. On her hands and knees, she moves closer to the animal, reaching a hand out. Her palm rests on the deer's fur and for a moment, the two felt the heat radiating off the other. Lennon ran her hand down the creature's leg, comforting the frightened animal.

"Oh my God." Nancy whispered bending down beside Lennon. On her other side, Jonathan slowly sank to his knees, sighing.

"It's been hit by a car." Nancy spoke, reaching a hand out to the animal. The deer's head lifted slightly, releasing pained whimpers as it moved. Both girls let tears fall from their eyes, even Jonathan's eyes became glossy at the sight.

"We can't just leave it." Nancy turned to Jonathan, pulling her hand away from the animal. Lennon kept her hand flat on the animal's side, letting it feel her warmth. She didn't realize that the warmth she felt from the deer was blood trickling slowly down it's fur, staining her hand.

"We won't." Lennon spoke, looking between her two friends. Nancy took a deep breath in, suddenly become aware of the weight of the gun in her hand. She lifted the weapon, hesitating and unsure if she could actually go through with it.

"I'll do it." Jonathan spoke up, holding his hand out for the gun. Nancy and Lennon turned to him, Lennon's hand still resting on the deer.

"I thought you said-" Nancy started.

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