
13K 347 47

Song of the Chapter: Dangerous-Oliver Remix by Big Data

Warning: Unedited!!


Lennon spun around, her eyes shifting everywhere as she and her friends watched out for the monster. She breathed heavily, anticipation coursing through her. The blinking lights only taunted her. She would rather the demogorgan jump out so she could kill it once and for all. Being played with like a small animal being hunted made her blood boil. She was not to be played with any longer.

"Where is it?" Nancy breathed, spinning in all directions with her gun pointed upwards. Lennon spun, glancing into the kitchen but seeing nothing.

"Come on. Come on, you son of a bitch." Jonathan muttered through his teeth.

"Come on!" Lennon seethed, shaking the gun she held in her tight hands. Her voice held an angry weight an sounded throughout the house. All the anger she felt for a while came boiling over. Even Nancy and Jonathan were surprised at the strength behind her voice.

"You see it?" Jonathan asked.

"No." Both Nancy and Lennon spoke in unison.

"Where are you?" Jonathan groaned. Lennon's chest rose and she felt a light sweat prickle at the back of her neck. Her eyes shifted all over the room, searching in frustration for the monster playing them like they were his prey. Lennon squeezed her hold on the gun and gasped as the lights turned off, leaving them in the dark. She still continued to spin, pointing the gun in front of her.

Her audible breathing was quiet compared to the low growl sounding beside her. "Jonathan!" Nancy yelled as they turned to the monster, standing at it's full height beside Jonathan. It growled as Lennon turned to face it. Her finger moved to the trigger, pressing with more force to shoot. She was about to pull the trigger fully before the monster yanked Jonathan to the ground, his nail-riddled bat flung past Lennon as she ducked. Her eyes widened as she realized she could very well have a face full of nails if she hadn't dropped to the floor.

Jonathan groaned as Lennon stood up. With the gun in her hand she pointed it at the monster. "Jonathan! Jonathan!" Nancy called out. The demogorgan had Jonathan pinned to the ground. The slime from it's body and open face fell onto the boy, keeping his mouth and eyes closed as he squirmed under it's heavy hold.

With a breath to calm herself, Lennon pulled the trigger of her pointed gun. A bright light emitted from the barrel and the bullet lodged itself into the stomach of the monster. Lennon gasped when it let out a deafening screech of pain. Jonathan kicked his legs, knocking the wound and causing it to stumble back, raising to it's full standing height. Nancy pulled Jonathan to his feet and away from the monster as it set its sights on Lennon.

She breathed heavily as the creature stood still before barrelling towards her. She stumbled, stepping backwards as she brought the gun up, pointing it at the creature. It screeched, throwing an arm to knock the gun out of her hand. Her arm flew to the side and her bandaged hand throbbed. The monster lunged at her but she dodged it's grasp, falling to the floor beside the armchair she set her rifle on earlier. She heard Nancy yell for her as she reached up, she wrapped her tiny hand around the barrel. Falling to the floor on her stomach, she shifted, spinning to her back and raising the rifle at the monster rushing closer to her.

Lennon let out a scream as the creature hit her arm, once again knocking the weapon out of her hold. She crawled backwards, away from the monster as it moved to hold her down. Lennon groaned as all the air was knocked out of her. The demogorgan pressed it's arm to her stomach, holding her down. It lowered it's body, growling into her face. She moved her head to the side and squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to let the slime from it drip onto her face. The clear sludge coated her wavy hair as she struggled under its grasp.

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