The Shirt

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Song of the chapter: Shadows of the Night by Pat Benatar

Warning: Unedited!!


After becoming the victor of the chicken fight game, Lennon chugged down a few beers along with the others. A few, meaning way too much. Lennon Hopper was sufficiently drunk. Nancy had joined in about halfway through, becoming just as drunk sooner.

Lennon giggled as she helped Nancy into the Harrington house, not being the person for the job seeing as she tripped over nearly everything she could find. Her was tunneled and her depth perception was thrown out the nearest window.

"Woah, woah, woah. Sit down." Steve said, pushing Nancy carefully onto a chair. "You too." He turned to Lennon who was about to poke a hanging orange light fixture straight out of the seventies with an extended finger.

"But I was seeing if it would burn." Lennon said, holding her arm out, still trying to poke a finger at the light. Steve stepped over, pulling her arm away from the hot lamp.

"Yeah, not a good idea." Steve said as he helped Lennon to the chair Nancy sat on, picking at the fabric. "Here." Steve muttered, tossing clean, white towels at the girls. Lennon's vision was blocked as it landed on her head. All she could see was the white, intertwined thread of the towel. It was much nicer than the ones she had at home.

"Thanks." Lennon muttered, picking the towel off of her face and drying her dripping hair.

"I'm freezing." Carol complained as she wrapped her towel around herself. She bounced on her feet.

"Well I hear his mom's room has a fire place." Tommy said, walking towards the stairs with a suggestive smirk plastered over his freckled face.

"Oh, really?" Carol smirked at the boy, chasing him up the staircase. Lennon sat on the chair, wiping the towel over her hair, a darker color than usual due to the water it held. Her eyes danced up the stairs as she watched the two teens rush up.

"Seriously? Okay, well you are cleaning the sheets!" Steve called out to the two, disappearing behind the slammed door.

"You all right?" Steve asked Nancy. The girl nodded as she stood, shaking the towel on her head to dry her hair. "Come on, we can get you guys some dry clothes." He said, walking past the girls to the stairs. Lennon followed, nearly slipping on the steps as her boots squished with water. Was already at the top and was headed for his room, searching for clean clothes for the girls out of sight.

"Len, Nance!" Barb called out at the bottom of the stairs. Lennon turned, wrapping her towel tighter around her small frame."Where are you going?" Barb asked.

"To get dry clothes. We all kind of got in the pool." Lennon explained. She tapped her foot on the edge of the step before her foot slid, landing on the one below. Barb's eyes watched with annoyance.

"Are you drunk?" Barb asked, not at all approving of her friends' choices. She knew Lennon wanted to let loose after being held back for so long but that didn't mean that she agreed with getting drunk. Especially not on a school night.

"No, of course not." Lennon shrugged, trying to play it off. Nancy turned back to Barb.

"Yeah she is." She released a fit of giggles, moving a towel covered hand to cover her mouth. 

"Only a little. But I'm not ready to go yet, you can if you want. I'll just get a ride or something." Lennon spoke. She wanted to become better friends with Steve and figured while she was intoxicated was as good a time as any. She had no intentions of it going any farther than that and knew Steve would never put her in such a position. Barb just didn't believe that. She didn't know Steve like Lennon did and assumed he was the person he showed everyone. The mask he wore over his caring nature.

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