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Song of the Chapter: Fox On The Run by Sweet

Warning: Unedited!!


Lennon sat on the hood of her father's car. Her legs where bent, crossed over each other as she picked the remaining red nail polish off of her finger nails. Her mind drifted to Steve Harrington quite often since the fight, though she tried to set her mind on other things. The boy still had a hold on her despite what he did to her earlier today. She just wished nothing happened and the two could be friends without her having to worry about some monster. She breath out, bored because she had been sitting on the car for about an hour. Her dad stood with a pair of binoculars to his face, scanning the scene below as Nancy stood with her hands on the door.

"I have to go home." Nancy worries, eyes glued to her house.

"No, you can't. " Hopper says blankly.

"Yeah, your house is kinda currently over run by those assholes." Lennon points a finger towards the men scurrying about the Wheeler home and property.

"My mom, and dad are there." Nancy looks to Lennon, hoping she can help her.

"And they'll be okay. They don't want any collateral damage, it just makes a bigger mess that they have to clean up." Lennon assured the girl as best as she could, though it was an odd way of comforting her. Nancy's eyes drifted to her home once again as Lennon focused on her nails. Annoyance practically radiated off of her. Nancy breathed out sharply, walking ahead towards her house, gaining the attention of Jim.

"Hey, hey, woah, woah, woah." The man rushed forward, grabbing Nancy's arm. Lennon glanced up from her nails at the commotion.

"Hey! Let me go!" Nancy yanked her arm away from Jim but the man was obviously stronger than her. Her furious eyes met his.

"No, the last thing we need is them knowing you're mixed up in all this." Jim looked down at the girl with a commanding presence. "Len! Come sit with your friend!" Jim commanded, looking back to his daughter who nearly fell off of the car. Lennon walked over to Nancy, holding her arm and leaning against the hood of the car with her.

"Mike is over there." Nancy motioned to her house, her dark eyes pleading for Lennon to help her.

"They haven't found him." Jim tells the girl, raising a finger to point up at the clear sky. Not a cloud graced over the bright blue sky and he pointed to a helicopter flying over head. Lennon looked up, her grey eyes appearing more blue due to the reflection of the sky. The whirring of the helicopter reached her ears as she watched it fly away. "Not yet at least." He pointed.

"For Mike?" Nancy worried, walking a few steps towards the retreating aircraft.

"Come on, get in the car." Jim walked over, ushering the girls in the backseat beside Jonathan. Nancy climbed in first and Lennon followed, nearly knocking her head on the roof of the car as she did so.

"We have to find the kids." Lennon tells her dad as he shuts his car door. The man spins in his seat to face the teenagers. Lennon's cheeks puff out as she exhales deeply, worried about the kids. Her face is slightly red because of being outside in the cold Indiana fall wind.

"Exactly, we have to find them before they do." Jim agrees, nodding at his daughter. He can sense the worry in her regarding the safety of the kids. The people from the lab wouldn't hurt Nancy's parents but they would have no problem hurting the kids to get to Eleven. They were helping hide her after all.

"Do you have any idea where he might've gone?" Jim asks Nancy.

"No, I don't." Nancy admits, shaking her head.

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