Her Guy

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Song of the Chapter: Just What I Needed by The Cars

Warning: Unedited!!


After the funeral finished, Lennon was dropped off at the beginning of her road. The Wheelers didn't want their car getting scratched by any branches down the overgrown path but the kids in the car knew it was that they where uncomfortable near The Hopper's trailer. They knew Lennon was a sweet and smart girl, but they tended to look down upon people who had less money. Nancy and Mike apologized quietly for their parents' behavior as she got out of the car. Lennon simply waved them off and began down the wooded path to her trailer.

The girl held onto her backpack straps as she walked home, singing in her head to the most recent Blondie song she had heard. As she neared the end of the wooded path, a car came into view.

She quickly recognized it as Steve's car. Her foot steps sped up, picking up the pace as she walked up to his car. Steve's driver side door opened as he stepped out.

"What are you doing here?" Lennon asked, stepping in front of the boy as he pushed his car door shut.

"Waiting for you." Steve leaned against the hood of his car.

"Well, I was kind of at a funeral." Lennon held her dress out by the hem, looking down at the full black outfit.

"And you'll be attending another if I have to wait any longer to say this." Steve said, stepping closer to Lennon with his hands held out in front of him. Lennon's brow raised, waiting for the boy to continue.

"I'm sorry if I freaked you out yesterday. I know your last boyfriend made you think that you don't deserve to be loved or some messed up shit like that, but you do. I want to be your guy, Len." Steve poured his heart out to the blond, talking with his hands the whole time.

"You are my guy." Lennon urged, smiling at Steve as he rushed his hands through his hair. She knew what he was inferring but wasn't ready.

"Yeah but, nobody has ever made my hands sweat or my hair raise up like you. I want to be your only guy, the guy." Steve stepped in front of Lennon, his hands on her shoulders. His thumbs rubbed on her exposed shoulder and she did notice just how sweaty his hands indeed were, though she'd never tell him. His touch brought chills to rise on her skin.

"And you are. But I'm not ready for a relationship like that. I need a friend, and you are just about the best there is." Lennon admitted. She moved her hands over top of Steve's which still rested on her shoulders. Her smile stayed as she scanned his eyes for any emotion. She didn't want to lose him. That was the last thing she wanted. But her last relationship screwed her, she still needed time to figure out who she is, without someone telling her she was nothing.

The boy nodded, stepping back from Lennon who instantly felt bad and towards his car. She didn't want to drift away from Steve, so she blurted the first think that came to mind.

"Do you wanna come in for a drink? I don't know if we have fresh coffee but we have soda and beer." Lennon jabbed her thumb in the frigid November air, pointing towards her trailer. Steve perked up at the thought, his eyes shifting from the girl to her home. Other students at school would whisper about the girl in the trailer, that was before they met her. Steve however never whispered negatively about her. All he ever did was gush about her looks to Tommy and Carol who gagged on air.

"Yeah, sure." He shrugged. Lennon's smile returned as Steve walked beside her up the steps to her trailer. Her boots clanked on the steps as she shoved the key in the lock.

"So I was thinking we could maybe go catch a movie or something, later? Risky Business is playing and Carol said I look like him, what do you think?" Steve asked, turning his head slowly so Lennon could catch all the angles.

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