Fake Redhead

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Song of the Chapter: Good Girls by Elle King (This song fits Lennon's badassery that shows in this chapter! Enjoy!)



Lennon closed Steve's door as quietly and slowly as she could, partially as to not wake Steve up and also to not hurt her throbbing head. Waking up in a room, not remembering how she got there or how she got into the oversized Rolling Stones shirt, distressed her for a moment before she saw Steve in a heap on the floor, fast asleep. She had decided not to wake him up, instead taking her still wet and chlorine ridden clothes from the ground and walking out of his room. Seeing as her flannel was the only article of clothing that was dry, she threw it on over Steve's shirt.

Lennon began to tip-toe down the hallway, noticing Steve's parents' room now had their door open wide, no Tommy or Carol inside and a small fire flickering out in the fireplace. Her face scrunched up in disgust, walking past the open door. As soon as her foot hit the first step of the stairs, a door at the end of the hall closed. She jumped, nearly falling down the stairs. The girl was clumsy, with or without the influence of alcohol. Right now, she just had the influence of a pounding headache. Even the smallest noise reverberated in her skull.

"Len!" Nancy whispered, not knowing who was left in the house. Lennon shushed her as she waited for her friend to catch up before descending the stairs. The two girls exited out of the sliding glass door, walking out into the backyard.

"So you spent the night in Steve's room." Nancy smiled at Lennon, pulling her sweater tighter around herself in attempt to warm herself.

"Well, yeah but he slept on the floor." Lennon explained. The two girls walked side by side before they heard a rustling in the woods across from the pool. Nancy's hand jerked to grab Lennon's arm in fear. Lennon's eyes scanned the tree line, trying to spot the animal that caused the noise. After seeing nothing, Lennon shrugged at Nancy and the two continued walking.


"And which one are you? Bethany? Sandra? Sherri? Or is it Linda?" Lennon says, a smirk resting on her freshly clean face. Shortly after she got home, she decided it was no use to go to bed, seeing as she would normally wake up for school soon anyway. She had hopped into the shower, got dressed and applied light makeup before sitting at the dining room table right across from the woman.

"Uh, It's Sandra." The woman smiled uncomfortably, moving her brown hair behind her ear as she spoke. Lennon narrowed her eyes at the woman, swirling her coffee in the mug she held onto. Her light blue painted nail tapped over the floral image painted on the mug.

"Sandra. Sand-ra, Sandra, Sandra, Sand. Ra." Lennon repeated, as if trying out the word on her tongue. Each time she said it, she pronounced it differently, earning an uncomfortable look from the woman and an annoyed glare from Jim. Her father had intense dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. He had practically dedicated himself to finding Will, seeing as it was the kid of his old highschool friend. Joyce Byers had always been a close family friend and the disappearance of her son ticked something inside the man. He was set on finding the boy alive.

"Yes, her name's Sandra. Now shut it please." Jim Hopper groaned before sipping his coffee, leaning against the counter.

"So, Sandra. Do you go to Hawkins Community College?" Lennon smirked, making her uncomfortable as she referred to her young age.

"No, she doesn't." Jim said harshly before Sandra could say anything.

"Hmm. Maybe the high school?" Lennon questioned, raising a brow as she brought the coffee mug to her upturned lips.

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