Cal The Idiot

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Song of the Chapter: Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns N' Roses (It could be from Jim's point of view but in general its a GR8 song and makes me feel feelings( Look up the captain Fantastic version bc its GR8 too!( Henry Bowers from the IT movie plays one of the kids in the movie))) (<---I hate myself)

Warning: Unedited!!


"Chief, you there?" Callahan's voice sounds over Hopper's radio, interrupting him and Joyce's conversation. Jim Hopper rolls his eyes at the annoying, younger officer as he leans to grab the radio.

"Hey Chief?" Callahan call once again after no response.

"Yeah, go ahead." Jim speaks into the handheld machine.

"Yeah, a fight broke out here and-"

"Cal, I don't have time for this." Jim cuts him off.

"It's Jonathan Byers." The officer admitted. Jim and Joyce made eye contact at the sound of her son's name. "You haven't seen Joyce, have you?" He asks.

"Oh, and here's the real kicker. My nose is a lovely shade of purple thanks to your kid, Hop." Callahan rats the girl out to her father. Jim squeezes his eyes shut for a moment out of annoyance before dropping the radio and speeding back into Hawkins and away from the old house belonging to Terry Ives.

Back at the station, Lennon is sat in an uncomfortable yet familiar chair, handcuffed to a table beside Jonathan Byers. She narrows her eyes as she listens to Callahan rat her out to her father, pressing a rather large ice pack to his enlarged and discolored nose, the color of a purple jacket Lennon had at home. His voice was more nasally and annoying than usual, as difficult as that was.

"Found some ice." Nancy sat on Jonathan's other side, two towels encasing ice cubes in her hand.

"Thanks." Lennon reaches over Jonathan, grabbing the makeshift ice pack and glaring at Callahan as she slaps it over the knuckles she punched him with. The officer just shifts his own ice pack over his nose before walking out of the room. Lennon's glare softens as she turns back to her friends, once again feeling like a third wheel as Nancy holds the ice pack to Jonathan's face. She looks down to her hands, her dainty fingers playing with the chains of the handcuffs.

"Everything okay?" Jonathan asks from beside her, causing her to look up, her two friends already staring at her. The fax machine and distant music from the break room fills the short silence.

"Everything's fine." She forces a smile to show on her face, hopefully convincing enough. "Just peachy." Lennon all but groans as she looks back to her hands. After the chain on her handcuffs finally lost all of it's interest, she moved onto watching the sunshine move on the curtains. She huffs, leaning back in her chair.

"How long have we been here? It feels like a few hours at the least." She complains. Nancy looks to the watch she had on her wrist, a smile breaking out on her face. The smile was a nice pause in the worry lines, creasing her forehead.

"Almost one hour." She smiles at Lennon who groans, sliding down in her chair dramatically. The teens all look up as Joyce Byers storms her way into the room, followed by Jim Hopper.

"Hey! Jonathan? What-Jesus, what happened?" She stammers, walking to the group of teens. Lennon scoots her way back up the chair, sitting normally as her father's confused eyes meet hers.

"Ma'am." Callahan warned, walking behind Lennon. The man placed both hands on her shoulders as he stood right behind her chair.

"See, that's why I punched you." Lennon jerked her shoulders, knocking his grip.

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