Lennon The Slut

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Song of the Chapter: Voices Carry  by 'Til Tuesday

Warning: Unedited!!


Lennon Hopper stepped through the narrow isles of the Army Surplus store. Her finger ran along the boxes of bullets, searching for the right ones for her rifle and the handgun she swiped from under her dad's mattress. All day, she had been wondering where Eleven got off to. The girl was gone when the older blond woke up, the shirt she let her borrow laid flat on the floor and she somehow ended up sleeping soundly on her bed. Eleven no doubt set her there when she left. Lennon wondered how it looked when the girl levitated her with her mind. Her fingers stopped as she landed on the box of bullets, the package heavier than she expected, dropping it to the ground.

The box, unfortunately found it's way to land perfectly on her toe, causing her to nearly yell a curse word. She hopped on one foot, cradling her injured one as she whispered profanities to herself. As she hopped on one foot, her eyes drifted through her hair hanging like a wavy curtain in front of her face and landed on a man standing at the end of the isle. Lennon stood straight slowly, dropping her foot to the ground as she looked to the older military vet. He gripped his jug for gasoline in his wrinkled hands as he stood frozen. 

His eyes looked to have witnessed a lot of hardship in his lifetime but the sight of the girl jumping up and down, embarrassing herself, appeared to horrify him. Lennon smiled sheepishly, waving to the man. He only straightened his baseball cap and walked out of sight, past the isle she stood in. With a huff, she bent down, picking up the box of bullets for her handgun and walked down the isle. Her hand jutted out, grabbing a box of shells for the rifle.

She walked past a few isles, spotting Nancy holding a basket, dropping in items like she was shopping at the mall. The mall, being nearly an hour away over in the next town.

"How about this bear trap?" Lennon asked, laying her hand on the metal contraption. Nancy looked up, dropping a hammer in the basket as she walked over. As Jonathan walked over, the girls nodded to each other.

The trio dropped their ensemble of items on the checkout counter. The metals and woods clattered on the surface and the endless supply of extra long nails  never seemed to end. As Nancy and Lennon placed the last nails on the counter they looked up at the cashier, Lennon with a friendly smile and Nancy and Jonathan with blank stares. The cashier, appearing only about in his fourties raised a questionable brow at the teens.

"And I'll have four boxes of the .38s." Jonathan said, raising a hand to point behind the counter at the more expensive ammunition. Lonnie, his father, didn't have much money, but what he did have, he spent it on a few choice toys, rather than his own children. The man steps back, pulling down the green and yellow boxes, setting them amongst the other purchases.

"What you kids doin' with all this stuff?" The man asks, his eyes scanning the items on the counter in front of him.

"Um..." Jonathan looks to the girls for help, not knowing how to explain that they're killing a murderous flower bully from a building that may or may not actually be an energy and electricity company.

"Monster hunting." Nancy raises her dark eyebrows, hoping it works. The man looks from her to Jonathan, trying to break the boy with a hard stare. He shifts his gaze to Lennon. She can feel his eyes boring into her soul, deep down, searching for the truth. She only smiles once again, waiting on him to ring up their purchase so she can regrettably help pay with her whole paycheck.

"Huh." The man scoffs, bagging their purchases as Lennon slaps down her envelope of money. Once again, his brows raise.

"And just where is a little girl like you getting that money?" He asks, placing both hands on the counter, leaning in for her answer.

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