Fricking Funeral

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Song of the Chapter: Dear God by XTC (It's not an annoying church song haha it's from the 80's and fits well with the theme)

Warning: Unedited!!


Lennon Hopper trudged down the sidewalk, leaving behind a trail of annoyance. In short, Lennon was seething. The man at the diner told her absolutely nothing of use and she left as soon as his hand rested on her leg. His harsh, hungry grip brought back memories she wanted to burn to an unrecognizable crisp. It made her feel dirty, like an invisible grime covered her entire body and she couldn't shake it off. It was a feeling she hadn't felt since she escaped her past relationship. She didn't even feel it when Steve kissed her. One hand grasped tightly onto the key necklace that rested against her chest, the other was tangled in her outgrown bangs.

Memories of angrily chopping her hair off, dropping the blond clumps into the porcelain sink as tears fell down her reddened face flooded back. Her thumb grazed over the small scarred line on her forehead as she continued walking hurriedly away from the diner. The skin was raised only slightly, being barely lighter than the surrounding skin. At the touch of the small scar, she remembered accidentally slicing her forehead with the blade of the scissors. It was what made her decide to stop at her bangs, otherwise, her hair may be drastically shorter than it is.

Her converse pattered on the cement as she stepped off the sidewalk and walked in between her car and another. She angrily threw open her door, nearly banging it into the car beside her. With a quick and heavy breath out, she backed out of the parking space as tears threatened to slip out of her glossy eyes. Her foot pushed forcefully on the gas and her car sped down the road, the song on the radio blaring.


Lennon Hopper found herself back at her own house, laying on her bed. On her desk, the radio played a rap song. Lennon knew every single fast paced word but she was lost deep in thought. As she laid on her back, staring up at the glow in the dark stars on her ceiling, she wondered how on Earth to move past her relationship.

He had ruined her. Ruined her ability to be loved. It was something she had to move past, not just push down like all her other problems. Before she could brainstorm any good ideas, the  phone on her bedside table rang. She flinched at the sudden noise, sitting up and lunging for the noisy phone. She fell forward, laying on her bed with the phone to her ear.

"H-Hello?" Lennon stuttered as she tugged out a stuffed animal from under her stomach as she laid on her front.

"Len? It's Nance, can you come over? My parents okay-ed it."

"Yeah, let me check my calendar." Lennon paused, looking around her room to pass the few seconds. "Yeah so I have to take a shift at the Steel Mill then work my exotic dancing job at night. Other than that, I'm totally free." Lennon joked, holding her hand out and looking at her nails.

"Is that the plot for Flashdance?" Nancy laughed.

"Yeah, I'm on my way." Lennon smiled.


"-And he was basically going on and on about electricity." Lennon groaned, falling back onto the pillow in Nancy's bed dramatically.

"That sounds great." Nancy joked. She leaned back onto the pillow beside Lennon, sighing loudly. Her light eyes settled on her nails, a new coat of red nailpolish had been applied by Nancy.

"What is it?" Lennon turned to her friend.

"I spent the day with Jonathan Byers." Nancy said, trying not to let the small smile take over her face. Her delicate face looked as if she had just told an exciting secret. Worry surged through Lennon's body as she thought about how her and Jonathan's relationship. They weren't exactly on the best terms.

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