Chapter 9

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Steve stared at the bright white walls of his cell. After three days in custody, there had been no word from Bucky, Laura or Clint. He could only hope they were all ok and Clint had survived his gunshot wounds.

They had told him he was being charged with 'perverting the course of justice' and 'aiding and abetting a criminal', he only wished he could prove Bucky's innocence, but how could he? It was his word against theirs.

With the events of the past few weeks playing over and over in his head, he didn't notice one of the officers unlocking his cell. "Captain Rogers, will you follow me please?" The officer asked, the door swinging open with a loud and ominous creak.

Steve stood and followed the tall officer through the long, seemingly endless corridors. Where were they taking him? Would they question him again? He was lead into a small, dimly lit room with a table and one chair either side.

"Sit." The officer ordered. Steve sat down as the officer un-hand-cuffed him. He looked up over the table to see Tony looking at him intensely. Steve sighed deeply and shook his head.

"Spare me the lecture, Tony. I was protecting a friend." He spat bitterly. He and Tony had not seen eye-to-eye since he had found out Bucky had killed his parents.

"Come on Steve. You've got to work with me here. You know Bucky needs to be brought in. He's a criminal." He said, standing up in anger.

Steve sat back calmly in his chair. "How's Rhodes?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

Tony took a deep breath and replied, "He's just started to walk with support. The doctors don't know if he'll ever walk on his own again." Steve knew how it felt, to lose a friend like that.

"You'd do anything for him, wouldn't you? We're more alike than you want to admit, Tony. We've both lost people. He's my friend, and he didn't do it. He was with me the whole time." Even though Steve loved Bucky, he still only called him a friend to other people.

"How can we trust you Steve? How do we know you're not lying to protect him? Look, I'm trying here, you are a criminal. And so is he, we have sufficient evidence-"

"What like last time?" Steve cut him off. "Come on Tony, he's done nothing. Where is he anyway?" Steve asked, growing more and more impatient with Tony.

"There have been no sightings since the incident at Clint's house. We're looking for him, Steve, we want him safe too." Tony sighed in frustration.

"Safe? You want him safe? You have no idea what he's been through, Tony, no idea." Steve's chair scraped the floor as he stood and took a deep breath, the guards outside gripping their guns tighter.

"I've woken up thousands of times at night to his shouts and screams from the nightmares he has-he can't sleep knowing what he used to do. Used to do Tony, not any more, he could never do any of that ever again. He just couldn't."

Steve's shoulders slumped as he sat back in his chair. Tony opened his mouth to speak but closed it again. He just shook his head and then nodded at the guards.

They opened the door and handcuffed Steve again. As they walked him back to his cell, he heard Tony cell after them: "I'm doing everything I can Steve, I really am." 

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