Chapter 24

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Bucky's heart leapt as his eyes met Steve's. He knew this was it. Steve began knocking over everything he could as he and Natasha made a move of the guards on the door. Natasha and Bucky easily took out the door guards and as more guards moved towards them, they got into their rhythm and began to fight as a team. Once Steve had got out of his room, having fought off two guards and several doctors and nurses himself, he began to fight alongside his boyfriend and friend. He flashed Bucky a smile as he punched a doctor violently in the face.

Natasha motioned for the trio to execute the second phase of the plan; run. Bucky and Natasha led Steve to the emergency stairwell. "Up!" Bucky cried frantically. Steve obeyed and began to scramble up the staircase as quickly as he could. It was 10 floors to the roof, where they were headed. Despite the physical strength all three of them were going through, they were all full of adrenaline and running for their lives.

Once they reached the roof, Bucky led Steve to the edge of the roof as Natasha barricaded the door, hoping it would buy them a few minutes. Steve looked into Bucky's hazel eyes and pulled him into a tight embrace, whispering "I thought I'd lost you. Oh God, Bucky I thought you were really gone" Bucky pulled back and saw the tears clouding Steve's magnificent blue eyes. "Steve, I love you so much" he replied, resting his head onto his boyfriends. He then pulled Steve into a long, lingering kiss.

"Come on, it's time to get you two out of here" Natasha said coolly, marching over to the now teary men. Steve and Bucky pulled away from each other and nodded silently. Looking down over the top of the building was intimidating in itself made all three of them feel more anxious.

Trying not to think about the height of the building, Bucky looked to the neighbouring one; their target. It was a large office block, about 3 stories smaller than the hospital they were now stood on. Natasha was the first to make the jump, running confidently off the edge of the building and lading with a neat roll onto the gravelled roof of the office block. Bucky was the next to take the leap. He ran as fast as he could and launched himself off the roof. He glided for what felt like forever before hitting the edge of the roof of the other building. He yelled as he gripped the stone with his metal arm, pulling himself up onto the roof. He rolled over the ledge and groaned with effort but he was safe.

Steve was the last to go, and he turned to the door, hearing banging growing louder and more intense. He took a deep breath and ran towards the edge of the building. He leapt off the edge as the CIA and police burst through the door, guns raised. They immediately opened fire on Steve and everything went into slow motion. Bullets rained on Steve as he flew between the buildings. Many did not find their target but one did. And that was all it took for everything to go wrong.

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