Chapter 25

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Bucky watched, frozen, as his beloved boyfriend scream in agony and fall, lifelessly to the ground below. He didn't see Steve hit the floor, but the crack of his bones were deafening. Bucky couldn't move. He couldn't breathe. His head spun as the last moments' events replayed in his head. No, he thought, NO! He shouted louder in his head "NO!" He finally screamed out loud. "STEVE, NO, NO, PLEASE!" He shouted again.

Natasha's eyes filled with tears. She wanted so badly to believe that Steve would be okay, that he'd stand up and limp away, but she knew, deep down, he wouldn't get back up. It was Bucky's scream that brought her back to the real world. She saw Bucky stood close to the edge, rocking back and forth, a combination of screams and whispers escaping his lips. "Bucky, Bucky come back from the edge" she begged, holding back the tears, trying to stay strong for her friend.

Bucky suddenly spun and stared Natasha straight in the eyes and grabbed the collar of her jacket. "No." He whispered, just loud enough for Natasha to hear "I-I-I need to save him. I can save him. I'm going down to save him" His eyes were so full of determination and anger.

"Okay, okay Bucky but be careful, please." She knew there was no stopping him. Bucky let go of her collar and pushed her away.

Bucky didn't look down as he hopped neatly down the building, falling the last story because of his shaking hands and legs. He hit the ground and immediately stumbled like a new-born calf over to Steve's body, his limbs splayed out at odd angles. To Bucky's surprise and relief, he saw Steve's chest moving slowly and shallowly.

"Steve, Steve, it's me, it's Bucky" He sobbed, holding his boyfriends limp body in his arms. "I love you, don't try to move, it's okay, you're going to be okay." Steve began to grab Bucky's arm as he was speaking. "What, what is it? Do you want to say something?" Bucky's eyes lit up at Steve

"I... I love you, Buck. But..." he coughed as his whole body began to shake with every labored breath "I'm sorry... it's the end... of the..." Steve trailed off and his head lulled back into Bucky's lap.

"No, no Steve, you can't leave me, no please, I only just got you back, I only just got you back, I only just got you back, I only..." His sobs were coming louder and faster now, as he held his dead boyfriend close, kissing him on the forehead in desperate but futile attempts to revive Steve.

It was at this point that Bucky became aware of the police around him. They seemed to be as shocked as he was, and stood back to give Bucky the space and time to grieve. Natasha walked up to his shoulder after a few minutes.

"Bucky, hey, Bucky" she said between his mutterings, "I'm so, so sorry but... he's gone, there's nothing we can do for him now" she said, crouching beside her friend and peeling his tense arm from around Steve's limp body. Bucky let go and clung to Natasha's shoulders.

The sobs were coming even faster now. Bucky felt totally consumed. His eyes were clouded with tears and his ears were ringing. He could feel Natasha, holding him close, rocking him gently, and trying to comfort him. But how could she do anything to help while Steve was lying dead on the ground?

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