Chapter 16

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"Tony, you know how much he loves Barnes." Natasha exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration. "You know, deep down, you know Steve would never let Bucky do it. Not again. It damaged them both, destroyed them both, Tony. Do you understand what you've done?" She said, he voice lowering.

"Yes, Nat, I know. But what was I supposed to do? I couldn't go against the whole of the police and the CIA could I?" Tony looked down at his shoes and sighed deeply.

"I know, Nat. This is all my fault. If I'd just told him we didn't know where Barnes was, then he might not be laying in there half dead." He said, motioning to Steve's room. Although the large blinds were drawn, you could see glimpses of what was inside. Doctors, machines, and, right in the middle, Steve.

"Still no news of Barnes, then?" Natasha asked, standing up straight and trying to be more professional. Although she was angry at Tony, she could tell he blamed himself. I've lost enough people, she thought, I'm not losing him too.

"No, he hasn't been seen since the raid at Clint's house. God, what have I done?" Tony leaned over and put his arms onto the desk. They were in a small room, trying to gather their thoughts. He had seemed to age more in the past week than the last few years.

"Tony, it's not all your fault. We always knew that something like this would happen again. You can't blame yourself completely. His past will always be an issue but we have to try and help him." Natasha placed her hand gently onto Tony's back.

"I'm sorry Nat, I didn't even think. You knew him. What was he like?" Tony turned around to face Natasha. His eyes looked slightly more hopeful, like he had stopped worrying for a minute.

"Well, I only really saw him when he was on his missions, but I knew there was something different about him. His eyes, they weren't as merciless as the others. I could see, in the way he did things, that he was more lost than anything else." She took a deep breath and looked down at the floor. "He seemed like he was grasping for something just out of his reach. Now I know, I guess, all those years I spent wondering. Now I know what I saw. That he didn't want to do what he did. He regrets it. All of it. He hates himself for what he did, Tony. He hates himself." She looked up at him and shook her head little.

She walked out the door and ran to the bathroom before bursting into tears.

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