10. It all went Black

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We were sat in the millennium Falcom, all squished into the cockpit. I looked up and saw the golden dice hanging, catching the light as they rocked with them vibrations we were causing. I closed my eyes and swallowed the tears, Han Solo was a father figure to me. When he died, I felt so lost, so alone. After he died he left his treasured ship to me and Ben. Well me, unless Ben turned. Leia had assured me that that was what Han would have wanted. It was heartbreaking how he died. My heart ached as I thought about it. His own son killed him. He was a monster. How could he kill his own father? I knew they didn't have a great relationship but that was no excuse. I felt sorry for Leia, she had lost both her husband and her son.

We had modified the falcom, making sure it was no longer a pile of trash. "Can I? PLEASEEEE" Poe begged, looking at the pilot seat. I sighed, I wasn't going to win this one. I nodded, smiling at his desperate pleas. "On one condition." I added as he jumped into the pilots seat. He looked up at me with a concerned expression. He raised an eyebrow and I took that as my que to speak. "I get to co-pilot." I said, crossing my arms. He started laughing and nodded his head towards the seat and I plopped myself onto the chair. I heard Finn kneel between us and I put my hand on his knee. I felt him look at me and smile, so I turned my face to see him. "You chose a good man, Finn." I winked, gesturing my head towards Poe. Finn just blushed and ignored my remark. It made me smile, I loved their relationship and I wanted mine to be the same. But so far in my life I've had terrible relationships. My luck has not been great.

My thoughts were interrupted my Poe who started squealing like a girl. "Ahhh POE STOP" I laughed, holding my hands over my ears. His mouth closed instantly and he giggled. "Sorry Missy" Poe laughed, smiling at me. I took this as my opportunity to ask about the location we were going to. "Where are we going?" I asked, trying to navigate the map. To my surprise it was empty, where was Poe taking us? "Just a bar" he replied, furrowing his eyebrows as he concentrated. I gulped. A bar. That meant alcohol. I couldn't go to a bar, if I was pregnant I'd harm the baby. "Oh I.. I don't know if I fancy that." I replied, hoping that they wouldn't question it. Obviously they did. They both turned to me, almost disgusted in me. "What?" They said in sync, they looked at each other then back at me. "I just don't feel too great" I shrugged, trying to act casual. I felt anxious. This wasn't how today was meant to go. "Bullshit." Finn said, pushing my shoulder. I felt tears start to rise, I didn't want to tell them. "It's okay, they do none alcoholic drinks too." Poe smiled, winking at me. I took a deep breath. I felt a weight lift of my shoulders and I smiled a little, knowing that me and my possible baby were going to be alright.

Once we had landed, Poe and Finn dragged me to a stone building. The walls were decorated with ivy and flowers peeked from in between each brick. It was beautiful. It didn't look like a bar but by the smell of strong alcohol and vomit I knew it was one. "Poe have you ever been here?" I asked, slowly becoming aware that this place was not as pretty as it had first looked. The smell of vomit began to fill my nostrils and I felt incredibly ill. Poe shook his head, "Ummm.. no but it looked nice on the data tablet." We all exchanged the same disgusted look. It was gross. "Do we have to go?" I asked, gagging at the smell of vomit. We all looked forward as a purple and blue droid rolled over to us. The droid reminded me of BB8 but this droid head was smaller and flatter. It started beeping at us, Finn looked clueless. "What is it saying?" Finn asked, I almost forgot he couldn't understand droids. I can't quite remember when I first learnt to understand droids and the other creatures of the universe. I always thought I was born with it, there was no way I could have learnt it on Jakku. "He said it's a disguise." Poe said, raising an eyebrow. A disguise? "He says it's through a passage inside." Poe continued, by this point I had already stepped forward.
" what are we waiting for? Come on!" I sighed, walking forwards.

Sure enough the droid was right. Inside their was a passage that led underground. The smell of vomit decreased and I felt myself becoming more comfortable with my surroundings. There was a red door at the end of the tunnel, it had a circular window in it. I didn't want to look through, I was nervous. So instead I just pushed the door open and stepped inside. It was amazing. There were deep black pillars, supporting the ceiling. They were beautifully lined with gold around the bottom. The tables were glass topped, the glass reflected the light making them sparkle like millions of diamonds. There was soft music playing, just loud enough for it to be background music. I smiled, this place was beautiful. It was pretty much empty apart from a few people sat at the bar. Whilst being in awe about the appearance of the place, I hadn't noticed Poe and Finn go up to the bar. I jogged a little to join them. "I'll have two pints and a... Rey what do you want?" Finn asked, looking at me blankly. "A soda and lime please." I smiled, praying he wouldn't question it me luckily for me, he didn't. The lady behind the bar was tall, her skin was green and spotted with blue freckles. Her hair was a darker green and was tied up in a tight ponytail. She looked really pretty. She poured the drinks and handed them over the bar. Poe dropped a note and a few coins in her hand and then directed us to a different table.

"So what's up with you?" Finn asked, getting straight to the point. I took a big sip of my drink and placed the glass back down on the table. "I just, I.." I stuttered, what would I tell them? I reached out with my force to talk to Ben. He would know what to do. Ben please help me. What do I say? Finn and Poe say there glaring at me. "So?" Poe said, raising an eyebrow. I closed my eyes and prayed Ben would contact me. "I just-" I started.
"Just what?" Finn said, "spit it out!"
I felt trapped, what was I meant to say. Rey, tell them you ate something bad. I heard Ben say and so I did. "I just ate something bad." I smiled, massaging my forehead. "I don't know what it was but it has made me feel awful." Finn and Poe looked at eachother and nodded, I wasn't sure if they had bought it and panic filled my body. "Well the soda should make you feel better, I can see why you didn't want alcohol." Finn smiled, stroking my arm. I smiled back, happy that they had bought it.

All of sudden, from what seemed like out of nowhere I sensed Ben enter the planet we were on. I shivered a little and continued to drink my soda and lime. Then it just stopped. The feeling was gone and I started to believe that it was my mind playing tricks on me. I sighed remembering that he couldn't leave the resistance base for the next few days without someone with him as he was still being monitored. I was just tired and anxious.

"You look exhausted. You're not going to be able to help me fly the millennium falcon, you'll fall asleep Rey." Poe said, pulling me into a hug. I hadn't registered what time it was but I knew it had been a while since we arrived. "It's 10:39 pm now, maybe I should book us a room?" Finn suggested. I just nodded, not even able to object. The time shocked me, we had left early. I felt myself falling asleep, I was fighting to stay awake. All my energy was being drained and it was bizarre. I felt Poe pick me up and throw me over his shoulder and as I went over, in the corner of my eye I saw him. My heart shattered. Ben was there, kissing another girl against the wall. Then it all went black.

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