51. Fear and Anger

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Kylo's P.O.V

"Be with me, Ben"

SHIT. Rey was calling for me. I couldn't let her know what I was doing, she'd not be happy. It's hard to explain. I don't even know what I'm doing.

"You love her? Ren, you barely know the girl." Evie laughs, shaking her head. I can see the anger in her eyes, this wasn't her plan. It was meant to be easier for her. She assumed I'd just turn myself back over, pretend like none of this ever happened. She assumed that I was still that broken child and that I could be manipulated into the dark side once again.

"I'm fulfilling my grandfathers prophecy. You can surely see that the first order isn't doing that." I state, running my hands through my dark locks. "He wanted to bring peace to the galaxy. That's what I am doing, Evie." I continue, walking away from her and leaning against the table.

"I don't want to have to kill you, Ren, but trust me when I say this. I will." She spits at me, pacing up and down in front of me. A shiver runs down my spine, she's darker than I thought she was. Maybe she will kill me, maybe this is it. Maybe I won't have a choice.

"I'm not leaving again, I'm happy here. This is me. This is where I belong." I insist, taking a big breath in and slowly letting the air back out. This was frustrating. I wanted to stay here, stay with Rey and build a whole new life.

"No, where you belong is with the First Order." She snaps back, her eyes raging. "If you want to stay here, go for it but know that the consequences that will follow are serious. You will all suffer the wrath of the First Order."

That makes me chuckle slightly and I try to keep it under my breath. The wrath of the first order? They're nothing without me. And that's when it hits me. Evie isn't force sensitive. She won't kill me, she physically can't. Had she really thought I'd forget that? All the costume, the attitude, the threats was a mask. She was nothing.

"You won't kill me, you can't." I smile, looking up at her. Her face drops for a brief moment, her eyes drop to look at her hands where she turns them over and clenches them tightly before letting them go and returning her look to me. The anger in her eyes turns to panic. Her pupils dilating fast and her heartbeat increasing. She was fuelled on fear. No wonder she fell into Snoke's hands so easily. "You're not force sensitive." I continue, standing up straight against the table and pushing myself to walk towards her. Her breath becomes unsteady and she freezes, she's been caught out. Despite this, she continues to stand her ground, her arms now crossed beneath her breasts.

"You-" she tries to start a defence but silences herself as quickly as she started. She knows I'm right. She knows that she can't do anything now, she's been caught out.

I close my eyes, lift my hand close to her head and focus my energy on cracking into her thoughts. This was a useful trick I had learnt from Luke all those years ago, although admittedly it wasn't exactly for this purpose but it all worked the same. I push to try enter her thoughts but I'm bounced back. It's tougher than it ought to be, Snoke must have tried to put up a barrier to block his plans. Luckily for me, I knew how to get around this, I'd practiced a lot. Not a fond memory but it is what it is. Evie wouldn't be able to hold the wall herself and therefore once I found a way in, the whole barrier would collapse and I'd know everything.

"There's a small child, your little sister. She's trapped within the storm trooper training base." I'm in. "Don't talk about my-" Evie snaps but I quickly mute her.

"Shh, let it happen." I whisper, continuing to dig deep into her thoughts. "You're pretending to be force sensitive to scare everyone under Snoke's instruction. He thinks you are an emotional attachment to me and that by sending you here, I'll come back with you. But you're not an emotional attachment Evie."

As I say those words, her eyebrows scrunch in fear. She's filled with hate and fear. Smoke is manipulating that, I almost feel sad for her. But it's by her own choice to continue working for him. She could've left, he wouldn't care. She chose to stay. She chose that life. And in that choice, she was also apparently choosing the end of her life as well.

I stood there weighing up my options. Do I do this the Jedi way or the right way to keep everyone safe? If I kill her. That's it. Snoke has nobody to try manipulate me with, he can't get hold of anyone. But then Evie dies. However, if i don't kill her, she'll tell Snoke what I said and then he has leverage. I need them both gone.

"You shouldn't have come here, you do realise what my options are right?" I snap, circling her like a shark circles it's prey. She doesn't answer my question, she doesn't need to. We both already know the answer. She stays still, her lips sealed and the anger bubbling inside of her is growing, she's scared more than anything. I can feel it. She's only angry because she's been caught "Here's what is going to happen, I'm going to keep you here. I'm not going to kill you, you're going to go into the cells and if you're lucky, I'll let my mother decide your fate." I say, a stern look on my face. Evie nods, looking defeated, her eyes now set to the floor. There's a feeling of relief from head, as if she'd been holding her breath or her head was kept underwater.

Using the force I lift the girl, her floating behind me and I open the door. My eyes scan left and right to make sure nobody is there and I turn left. My pace picks up as I'm walking, I don't need people to know my business. God Damn it, Evie, why did you have to come?

"Be with me, Ben"  I hear Rey try reach out to me again. Not now Rey. This is not a good time.

"Meet me at my quarters in fifteen?" I reply, hoping that'll hold her off for a little longer. I feel her smile and know that that's her response. My god isn't she cute. Everything about the girl is beautiful. But still, not a good time, Rey.

I turn down another corridor and head down a stairwell where I run into a guard. He's a little shorter than me and his hair is kept short and blonde. The way he holds himself is bizarre but he pulls it off, putting slightly more weight on the right side of his body.

"What have we got here?" He asks, raising a single eyebrow at me. Everyone questions what I do, I'm infamous and I hate it. I just want a fresh start. I new start where nobody knows me. But unfortunately I think I've buggered myself with that.

"A prisoner. Tell my mother that I'll talk to her later. Make sure she's locked up and guarded. She's part of the First Order." I inform him. The words "first order" fill his face with fear and I can tell that he's happy to oblige to my requests. He doesn't say anything, just nods and I drop the girl so he can handcuff her and take her away.

"You won't get away with this, Ren." Evie shouts as the guard takes her through the black set of double doors, her face raging and overloading with anger.

The silence that follows those doors is peaceful. That was a problem to deal with another day. All I needed to focus on right now was Rey. Rey. My beautiful Rey.

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