28. The Jacket

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The water ran slowly down my back, slivering through my hair. The base of the shower was a mess, big chunks of mud and grass lay there, washed out. The water that was once clear was now a deep dark brown. I was surprised as I looked down that the whole planet didn't come back with me. There was a lot of dirt floating around my feet, my toes swishing it. It didn't feel good, I wanted to squeal. With a loofah in my hand, and the pomegranate soap in the other, I set myself to the arduous task of scrubbing the dried dirt off of my body. It had all cracked whilst drying, making my skin look scaly and reptile-like. It was uncomfortable too, the mud made my skin feel tight and itchy. I preferred sand much more, although it got everywhere, once you got used to it you had techniques of getting it off. It didn't smell funky either, it would just brush off and it most definitely didn't make anyone look this scary. The mud slid off of my body, breaking off piece by piece and falling into the shower tray. I sighed as I felt clean again, I let the shower run so it could wash away all the dirt in the shower tray. I quickly scrubbed my feet to remove the dirt that settled there from being stood in a dirty shower tray.

I hopped out, wrapping a towel around me and picking up the dustbin bag full of my dirty clothes. I had decided that it was probably for the best if I just threw them away, there was no way they could return to their original colour and they'd constantly remind me of what had happened there. What I had lost. I walked out of the bathroom and towards my apartment door, I put the bag there so that I would remember it on my way out. I peeked inside just to double check that his glove wasn't in there. I didn't want to forget him, I wanted to keep as much of him as possible. Even if I did hate him. We still had this weird connection and I could never forget that. My feet quickly scurried across the room and to my wardrobe. The feeling of the smooth wood was nice on my hands, I pulled the draw open and peered down into it. What did I want to wear? My eyes were drawn to something I hadn't seen before. They were new clothes. I pulled them out and closed the draw by pushing my hip against it. Still curious I walked over to my bed and lay them out. A little note was attached in between the three separate items of clothing.


You haven't been in contact so therefore I have two assumptions. One - you need some time alone - or two - you've gone to try and complete some dangerous task. All we know is that the millennium falcon was returned with no pilot. We know you took it. We also know that these weren't orders therefore you went due to your own decision.

Anyway, my point is I'm worried and I figured writing this note would help but really it didn't. Me and Poe decided, before you disappeared, that you deserved a new resistance outfit because you don't really have many. So we made this for you. Please come see us soon.

~ Yours truly, Finn and Poe x'

Tears came to my eyes as I held the note in my hand. They had been worried. Really worried. I shook my head in disappointment, not with them but with me. I had failed so many people. I put the note on my desk and then turned back around the look at the clothes. They were beautiful. I had a bright white top, the neckline plunging enough to show my collar bones. I had a jacket, extremely similars to Finn's - well Poe's jacket that he gifted to Finn - all that was different was the colours. It was a light and the odd dark grey and a soft light blue. They contrasted beautifully. I smiled as I held it up, it was so thoughtful. So kind. It reminded me of that time on Star Killer Base when Finn wrapped me in his jacket to keep me warm from the snow, I hadn't prepared myself for it. In all fairness, I was kidnapped so that wasn't entirely my fault and I didn't know snow existed. It was a weird substance and it was bitterly cold. I hugged the jacket close to my body, I loved my best friends, I really did. I looked back down to see the third item, they were grey, three quarter length leggings, I smiled as I saw them. This was definitely an outfit I liked. I quickly slipped into my new clothes and smiled as I saw a reflection in the mirror. The jacket was oversized, I loved it regardless though. Everything looked so perfect. I ran my fingers through my hair and tied them into three buns, not caring if they were a little messy. The shorter loose hairs hung around my face, shaping it.

My hands snatched the bag of dirty clothing as I walked out of the door. I closed it behind me, making sure it was locked. I debated going across to Finn's apartment before going to the trash compactor but I decided the smell from the clothes probably wouldn't please him. The trash compactor wasn't far, it was around the corner of Finn's apartment. I opened the large door covering the shoot and placed the bag on the slide and closed the door, ensuring that the clothes were gone. My hands clasped together, brushing off any dirt that may have touched them. Smiling, I walked back around the corner and to Finn's apartment. My hand curled into a fist and I gently knocked on the door.

It was almost as if they had been expecting me. The door flung open only seconds after my knock. "Rey?!" A wide eyed Finn asked, an expression of shock washing over his face. He just stood there, in utter shock that I was there. "Finn who's at the door? I don't want to ta- Rey?!" Poe sounded startled. They both stood there for what felt like forever just staring at me. Poe broke the silence and pushed past Finn, pulling me into a hug. "You're here! How are you? Are you okay? What happened?" Poe whispered in my ear, squeezing me around my waist. He pulled away, looked at me then launched himself back into the hug, this time joined by Finn. "It's a really long story." I mutter back, not wanting to go into full detail. But that's when I remembered that they were my best friends. They deserve to know. "Do you want to come to my apartment? I have a lot to explain." I asked, pulling out of Poe and Finn's group hug. They look at each other before sighing and turning back to me. "We will but not now." Finn sighed, wrapping his arm around Poe. I just stood there puzzled, "Oh?"
"The General wanted us to send you to her if you got back." Finn started, looking to the floor. I watched as Poe's thumb glided over Finn's hand, they were so cute. "I think it's best if you go now, she's been worried sick." Poe continued, pulling Finn closer to him. I just nodded and muttered a thank you before turning around and walking towards the General's office. I was going to have to tell her.

She was going to be heartbroken.


soooooo Rey is back home and she has to tell Leia in the next chapter!

Let me know what you think <3

I'm actually starting to really enjoy writing again, I've had writers block recently and writing this today has really cheered me up.

Thank you for everything by the way. I love you all so damn much it's unreal!

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