15. The Return Of The Dark

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I was angry.

Her words kept echoing in my head.
"Get off him you force sensitive bitch!"

I felt my anger bubble and grow. I clenched my fists as I walked away. This was not okay. I wasn't okay. She had no right to talk to me like that, no right at all. Yet she did and HE. BEN FUCKING SOLO let her do that. He didn't stop her. He didn't even speak out loud. He just used our force connection to try calm me down. The door seemed to be getting further away with each step I took, I just needed to leave. I had to. If I didn't I would do something I would regret. 'Rey I-' Kylo started to talk to me through the force, I blocked him out. This wasn't the time to talk. I didn't want to talk to him, or anyone really but mainly him. I just needed to leave, I needed to clear my head.

I felt someone's arm grab mine and pull me to a stop. "Not so fast." I heard a familiar masculine voice say, I could almost hear the smile on his lips. "Care to dance with me?" He asked, grabbing my hand and twirling me round to face him. I didn't want to. I just wanted to leave. I was going to pull away but then I looked at his face. He looked so happy, I couldn't hurt his feelings. As I looked at Lucas, I began to realise he was actually beautiful. His face was kind, his lips looked so soft. "Only if it's necessary." I smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck. He laughed a little and put his arms around my delicate waist. "Oh, it's definitely necessary." He smiled, pulling me in closer. I laughed a little, not daring to rest my head on his shoulder. It didn't seem right with him, not like it was with Ben. He swayed our hips to the music, not doing anything special.

"You seem to know so much about me, what do I know about you?" I asked, looking into his deep blue eyes. They reminded me of the ocean, how they sparkled as the light hit them. "I'm really not that interesting." He replied, biting his lip. I shook my head and looked to the floor. "No, that's a lie." I smiled, looking back up to him. "You know I can find out anything I want about you?" He just looked at me, his face blank. Then his face turned to a frown as I searched his mind. I looked through his mind, images flashing before me. There were pictures of great starships and a perfect family everywhere. There was several girls, all beautiful and there was the memory of each of them leaving. They weren't leaving for no good reason but where the memory should be , there was nothing. There was darkness, but not tempting darkness, just an empty space. Almost like he had forced himself to forget something or he was hiding something. He was right, there was nothing interesting about him. He just came from a rich family with rich friends and his world was absorbed by selfishness. "Weird sensation right? Like someone tickling your brain." I said as I pulled out of his mind. He just nodded, clearly not interested in what I had to say. I realised that what I had done was rude and unfair. I had been just like Kylo Ren. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me." I muttered, turning my head to the floor. I felt him sigh and one of his hands left my waist and rose to my chin. He lifted my face up, and for a sweet moment I thought he was going to kiss me. "I don't mind, Rey." He smiled, returning his arm to my waist. I frowned at how nice he was, it wasn't that I craved someone nasty, I just wanted something to spark up the conversation.

"Rey, I need to talk to you." I heard Admiral Holdo say behind me, I pulled my arms from Lucas and muttered an apology to him before turning around and following her. "What's happened?" I asked, concerned. I was confused, why did she need to talk to me? She kept looking back at Lucas as we walked to a quiet corner in the hall. She stopped and looked at me, checking my neck and shoulders. "What are you doing?" I asked, starting to worry. She frantically checked my back, where Lucas' hands had been. "We have reason to believe-"

She was interrupted by the screams and sheer terror of people on the balcony. We both snapped our heads towards it. I couldn't see what was happening but I could hear blasters go off. Someone was here. The first order were here. I look around for Leia, frantically searching. She was stood near the table we had been dining at. "LEIA!" I screamed, kicking my heels off and running towards her. I dodged as a blaster shot was aimed towards my head. The bullet was warm as it grazed past my head, that was a close one! Her head snapped towards me, throwing a worried look. We weren't prepared. We didn't think an attack would happen. I wasn't prepared. I didn't have my lightsaber on me, I didn't think I'd need it. I kicked myself, I usually always had it on me. I reached Leia and jolted to a stop. I felt a strong force enter the planet. It wasn't just the first order. Someone strong was here. I knew who they were here for. Ben. Who else could it be? Ben was weak, he would easily be persuaded to turn back. He was being turned now. I panicked. Ben would kill us all. Every last one of us.

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