50. That Jazz

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Rey's POV

"You're sure about that?" Finn asks, rubbing his temples with his thumbs. Poe is sat next to him, mirroring his actions. I nod my head slowly, my elbow resting on my knee, my teeth gnawing against my nails. "I'm sure, I'm so confused though. Why then?" I ask, staring into absolute nothingness. A strand of my hair was tickling my nose, so I pushed it back behind my ear and returned to my previous position. "How sure are you?" Finn asks again, I can hear him tapping his foot on the ground below him. It's only a gentle tap but the speed was increasing slowly. I sigh and I sit up straight, I twist left to right then right to left and back central, cracking my back. "Finn, I am most definitely sure." I reassure him, stretching a leg out and pulling it back close to me. His face is concerned and puzzled, my focus shifts over to Poe, his face is almost identical. The only difference I see is that Poe is actually processing what I'm saying.

"Alright, so you and Kylo have both experienced this same 'memory' or whatever the hell it is?" He asks, I nod knowing that he's asking himself on the most part. "I've read about something like this, when I was younger. My mother told me about force bonds and all that um.. jazz." He continues, his body quickly jolts up and he walks so that he's facing both me and Finn. He starts pacing, his hands pressed together, fingertips touching his nose. Force bond? I knew we had one but I never questioned it, not really, I just assumed it was normal things.

"A force bond?" I question, pretending I don't know what one is. This could be interesting. Poe looks at me, then at Finn and back at me. "Yeah, maybe that's what you two have. I don't know, it's a lot of legend sort of stuff. Maybe Maz can help you? She's down in the library most of the time." He adds, slowly walking back to the sofa and placing himself next to Poe. I smile and nod, staying quiet.

"So what's the deal with you two then?" Finn asks, turning his head to me. He's got a serious look on his face, it's scary if I'm being honest. "What do you mean?" I ask, pretending to not know what he's on about. I don't even really know what's going on, therefore nobody else can know what's going on. I like him, I think. He's so sweet, yes there's a few anger issues but he's really turning them around and there's a lot of improvements. "Look, we're not stupid. You do remember what he did right?" Finn continues, looking at me with despair in his eyes. Oh shit. "He killed his own Father, Rey. He's a monster."

"No, he's not a monster. You wouldn't understand and I don't expect you to, Finn." I snap. He's not a monster. He's just damaged. "What isn't there to understand? I don't get it. Leia, fair enough, he's her son. That's unconditional love. But you? He tried to kill you." Finn continues, wailing his hands about like that'll make his comments sink into my brain any better. I shake my head and look down to the floor. "That's what the resistance is about Finn, the light. He has light in him. You of all people cannot talk, you were part of the first order." I reply, standing up and walking towards my front door. I turn around, my arms crossed and glare at both of them. "Now are you going to stop this nonsense or are you going to leave?" I ask sternly, pressing my hand against the door knob. Finn rolls his eyes and stands up, ready to walk out of the door. A hand grabs his leg and pulls him back down. Poe.

"Why are you doing that? You're meant to be backing me here, Poe." Finn snaps, brushing Poe's hand off of his leg. Poe rolls his eyes. "No, we're all meant to be backing each other. Grow up. Both of you." Poe says, looking at both of us. He's right. We're being childish.

"Okay fine, look I'm sorry. I won't get in your hair about it I guess." Finn mutters, looking at his feet on the floor. I walk back over to the sofa and sit next to him. "It's fine, I'm sorry too." I smile, embracing him into a friendly hug. I feel Poe wrap himself around the both of us and I smile, this is friendship.

"Okay, I think you need a drink." Poe smiles, placing his hand on my shoulder. I raise an eyebrow and smile. "Do I?" I ask, giggling at him.

"Oh yeah, definitely. Fancy a night out?" He asks, smirking at Finn and then looking back at me with a big grin slapped across his face.

"I can't, I have some stuff to do." I sigh, standing up and walking into the kitchen. I hear the rush of footsteps behind me as I walk away from the living room.

"Yes you can." Poe pants, his arm against the kitchen arch frame. "Look, if not tonight, why not tomorrow? You can even invite your emo boyfriend. We'll be on our best behaviour. Right Finn?" Poe continues, giving Finn a glare. Finn nods and smiles at me. I roll my eyes, they are so persistent. "Fine. But Ben is not my boyfriend and he is not coming." I finally cave in.

My hand reaches into the cupboard go get some bagels, I'm not quite tall enough to see the back but my hand can reach. "Shit, I need to go shopping." I sigh, rubbing my finger tips on my temples.

"We can make some more galaxy bagels, we've been pretty bored anyway with the lack of action from the First Order." Finn shrugs. I smile and turn to them. "Thank you, it means a lot. I love you two."

"Of course you do, now let's go find you some clothes." Poe smiles, grabbing my arm and dragging me into my bedroom. I huff as we get in there. Was this really necessary? I knew straight off the bat, I had nothing that would impress them.

"We're going to have to go shopping aren't we?" I signed, overwhelmed by everything. Poe shook his head and looked at Finn who did the same before turning back to me. "No, Rey, we're going shopping and you're staying here. We gotta get you out of your comfort zone baby." Finn smiles, grabbing Poe and walking out of my room. Well, at least they can show themselves out.

I walk over to the bed and throw myself onto it, my head in between the two pillows. What was happening to us? Wait. Where was Ben? He'd been gone a while.

I close my eyes and concentrate on starting a force bond.

"Be with me, Ben."

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