45. Stay here

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My eyes flicker open, light streaming in and temporarily blinding me. "urgh." I moan, rolling over and reaching to hug a pillow. I don't want to wake up yet. I'm too tired. My eyes fight the sunlight, battling hard and strong. I close them again, red blotches appearing. As I roll over my arm hits something hard. OUCH. What is that? I shrug it off and snuggle closer to it, it's warm. I feel myself slipping into a sleep again until I hear a groan and my mind wakes again.


The previous night's events slip into my mind, flooding it. I'm in his quarters. Shit. How was I going to explain that? I was so drunk with the thought of a romance, a happy ending that I hadn't even thought about the consequences. This could hurt me, this could hurt him, this could hurt everyone. I open my eyes, sitting up at looking at him sleep.

I feel my heart sink as I look at him, he looks so peaceful. His face is resting, it's not as tense as it usually looks. His hair lays over his face, his lips slightly parted. I can't help but smile. I don't want to go but I know I have to. I place my hand over his chest, feeling his heart beat in a pattern. His body twitches under my touch and his eyes open slowly. He scrunches his eyebrows as his eyes lay upon me. "Good morning, sleepy head." I smile, giggling as I look at his morning face. His mouth twists to a smile and he rolls over, his arms around my waist.

I slither back down to the bed, my hands against his chest and he holds me tight. Our chests are touching, hearts beating against each other. "Thank you for last night." He smiles, running one of his hands up and down my back, tickling me slightly. I move my head up, my eyes meeting his. He shifts his head and kisses my forehead. As his lips touch my forehead, I feel butterflies rise and fly inside of my stomach. I feel myself blush. I can't do this. I can't feel like this. I'll hurt him, I'll hurt myself and I'll hurt myself friends, the resistance! I can't do that. I can't be selfish. Or can I? Can I just let myself be happy? Does he make me happy? I don't know. I shake all the thoughts and try to forget about everyone else just for a few more moments.

I feel Ben shift and his arms let me go, he sits up, twisting his body so that his feet touch the floor and he is perching on the edge of the bed facing away from me. He runs his hands through his hair and stretches his arms before standing and turning to me. "Wha- where are you going?" I sigh, sitting back up and rubbing my eyes. I stretch my arms out, a satisfying click cracks from my arm. I wince at that even though there is no pain. "I have to be somewhere." He smiles, walking over to his draw and pulling out a black shirt and some black trousers followed by a black cape. I frown, why does he have to go? "Do you really need the cape?" I giggle, looking at it in his arms. His head shakes in disappointment from my question. "Of course I do, I still like being feared. And besides, I'm fairly sure you're into it." He chuckles, carrying them onto the bed and walking into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I hear the shower turn on and I decide to get up and attempt to brush my hair or something.

I comb my hair, the knots almost unbearable. At least it'll be easy to wash. I wait, patiently for the sound of the water to stop falling. It stops and I hear a click, the door opening afterwards. Ben walks out, a towel wrapped around his waist. I smile as I look upon his body, he's so beautiful. "Can I use the shower?" I ask, putting the brush down and walking towards him. He nods, pulling me into a kiss. Our lips move in sync, it's honestly such a movie moment. I pull away, trying not to get too involved in the kiss. "Thank you." I whisper, walking past him and shutting the door behind me.

As the water poured down my body thoughts flooded my brain. I can do this. I can create some sort of balance, of course I can. I knew that this love was forbidden, the galaxy could never accept it. But I didn't need the galaxy to accept us did I? I mean, heck they didn't accept me before I became a Jedi. I didn't care back then, right? I don't know. Anyway, the galaxy has already decided what they think about us. Both of us. And I don't need the galaxy to accept it, I just need my friends too. But then again I had more chance of getting the galaxy to accept us than Poe and Finn. And Lucas. Lucas is an issue. I don't trust him. I shake my head as I get out and wrap a towel around myself. This is all so hard.

As I brush my hair, I look into the mirror. I can do this. I notice that I've been in here for a while, probably a good forty or so minutes. I feel bad for using his bathroom for this long, it's rude of me. I take a deep breath before walking out of the bathroom and facing Ben. I can do this. I open the door, walking forward. "Oh, I um. I went and got you some clothes. They were for sale in the square... I'm sorry if you don't like them, I didn't really know what you liked or-"

"I love them." I interrupt him, pressing my lips against his. I pull away, picking the clothes up and turning around. I slip into them. The jeans are a green colour, skinny. The top is a cream colour, buttons on each sleeve. It's a beautiful material, loose and kind of flowly. He even bought me a pair of brown ankle boots. I turn to him once it's on, tears filling my eyes. "Thank you so much." I cry, hugging him. I hear him chuckle and wrap his arms around me again.

"Let's get going." He sighs, pulling away. My face turns to a frown. No. He can't go. I can't go. If he leaves this is all over. "No. Stay. Can't we stay a little longer?" I ask, keeping a firm hold of his arm. He shakes his head, sighing too. "No, Rey. I have to go, I need to go over the legal aspects of staying here and all that crap. I would if I could." He says, looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes. I feel my heart shoot a little pain. No. He can't go. "Ben, as soon as you walk out of that door this moment ends and it'll go back to how it was. I don't want that!" I reply, begging him to stay. His face turns cold. "I think that the moment is over already, Rey. I have to go, I'll be back. This will only end if you don't give it your all, Rey. You know that. Don't be so afraid." He replies, turning around, gripping my hand and leading me out of the door. But I can't reply. He's right. I'm afraid.


I know, I'm awful. I'm so sorry for not uploading in 2 weeks. My GCSEs start in two weeks so I'm so damn busy. They end in 7 weeks so don't worry I will get back to regular posting soon.

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