16. A Female Stormtrooper

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My eyes fluttered open. Where was I? I looked around, confused. I was in a single bed. I scratched my head in confusion, I hadn't fallen asleep in this. Had someone moved me? I was convinced I had collapsed on the floor, it has been cold, really cold. The covers were over me, wrapping my body in warmth. My head was propped against the pillow. Someone had moved me. I closed my eyes again, squeezing them tight. I didn't want to wake up. I didn't want to face another day. My head was hurting, throbbing. I knew this feeling, I had felt it before. Ben had been draining my energy.

A screeching sound jolted me up into a seated position. It was awful! Metal scraping against metal making a sound almost like nails against a chalkboard. My head snapped towards the door as I heard it open. "Follow me." A stormtrooper said, holding his blaster in his hands. I rubbed my eyes and turned to get out of bed. As I stood up, I realised that I was still wearing my ripped red dress and I had no shoes on. I closed my eyes as I tried to connect with someone through the force. Luke? Leia? Anyone? Nobody answered, nobody could help me. It was up to me to help myself. This wasn't unusual for me, considering I had lived on Jakku for as long as I could remember. Unkar hadn't been kind, nobody had been.

That's when it hit me. The force. I could use the force to get out of here. I thought back to when I was tied up, being interrogated. "You know I can take whatever I want." His voice echoed inside my head. I shivered as I thought about it. I thought at the time that I was going to die, I was going to be slain brutally. That's when I remembered the Jedi mind trick, I managed to escape. I smiled at the memory, this was my escape card this time too. I had mastered it during my training with Luke. "I said follow me, scavenger scum" the stormtrooper hissed, turning towards me. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the lessons Luke had taught me. I felt the force, flowing, bubbling inside of me. I reopened my eyes and smiled at the stormtrooper. "You will drop your weapon and hand me your uniform." I instructed, looking into where the stormtroopers eyes should be. The seconds that followed were intense. Please. Please work. "I will drop my weapon and hand you my uniform." The storm trooper replied, dropping his blaster on the floor. I picked it up and placed it on the bed as the storm trooper unfastened all of its armour. It dropped to the floor, clanking as it hit the cold metal surface. I picked it up slowly and slipped it on over my dress, clipping it in piece by piece.

I was ready. I felt myself shake as I walked out of the door, locking it behind me. This suit was heavy, really heavy. It was an awkward fit too, I could tell that it was made for males and males only. I looked to my left and decided to walk that way. The corridor was long, there was nothing exciting about it. It was all black, apart from a few grey lines and silver screws in the wall. I saw the entrance was open and I took the opportunity to leave the ship without questioning it. I didn't want to be on that hell hole of a ship anymore.

Crap. As soon as I stepped out I knew where I was. I was on Star Killer base, or whatever the new version of that is. I looked around, there were two options. I could try and run to a ships,I could fight my way out or I could go inside the building and try to find a different way out, maybe I could find an emergency escape pod. Both ways were dangerous. I had a slim chance of survival either way. Or I could stay here, return to my cell and be held prisoner. No. No, why would I do that to myself? I had to find a way out. I knew what I had to do. I had to go into the base.

I turned to the right, seeing the entrance to the base. I took a deep breath. I can do this. I started to walk towards the entrance, cautious and anxious. This was it. I might never see my friends again. I might never see anyone again. My thoughts wandered back to the dinner. General Holdo was worried about something, she was going to tell me something and it sounded important. What could it have been? She was looking at Lucas with a concerned look in her eyes. Maybe it was him? But surely I would have sensed something... I frowned as I thought about the attack, it was such perfect timing for them. They had ruined everything. I stopped as I approached the steps. This was it, I took a deep breath and I walked up the two steps taking me into the base. Okay... I was officially inside the base. I was here.

My pace quickened as I walked through the halls. I had to find where the escape pods were. To my surprise I hadn't seen any stormtroopers around, it was bizarre. I assumed that they'd be everywhere, just wondering around, keeping guard. I heard a loud bang from a room to the left of me, followed by the hum of a lightsaber. "YOU LET HER GO?!" I heard Kylo Ren scream, clearly destroying something in the room. I wanted to call out for Ben. We needed him back but instead I just stayed silent. It was for the best. "I called a storm trooper to collect her, she escaped Ren." I heard Hux crumble at the sound of Kylo Ren's anger. Hux wasn't strong, he wasn't fearless. He gave the impression he was but he wasn't, he had strong weaknesses. Kylo himself was a weakness for Hux, he was scared of him, he hated him. That would be his downfall and Hux knew it.

It didn't hit me until I saw Hux walk out of the room, his head lowered, that I was stood still listening. I didn't even attempt to move. I started to walk forwards, praying that he wouldn't question me. "What are you doing here?" He asked, I heard his footsteps stop and I too stopped walking. What was I doing? I quickly thought of all the excuses I could use. None of them seemed suitable so I just replied with what I could. "Guarding, Sir." I replied, trying to sound as convincing as possible. I gulped, I knew I hadn't convinced him. "A female storm trooper. How interesting." I heard him smirk, I heard his footsteps resume. They were getting louder. I knew his was behind me. I shivered as I felt him stop behind me. I was screwed.

It was pure instinct, adrenaline. What was I meant to do? I turned around, slamming my blaster into his face as hard as I could. I wanted to make this as silent as possible. He fell to the floor, making a loud thud as he hit the cold metal surface. I peered down at him, he was most definitely unconscious. His deep red hair was still gelled into place, his eyes were closed and there was blood seeping from his nose. There was a bright red patch on his cheek where my blaster had hit him. I put the plaster in between my arm and my body, supporting it as I knelt down to pick up Hux's legs. Once I had hold of them I started to drag his body down the corridor. I had to find somewhere to put him, if not I was screwed. I couldn't be caught. That's all that was running through my mind. If I was caught, I'd die. Or even worse they'd try train me to become a sith.

After a few minutes of dragging, me panting as I tried to pull his body weight across the floor, I found an empty room. It was a storage unit, I was sure of it. It was a single door, one that slid open. I pushed through the door and propped his body against the wall. He looked almost peaceful if you ignored the bloody nose and the very apparent bruise I had left on his face. I quickly walked out and turned away from the door. Wait. If he was to wake up before I escaped, he'd inform everyone. I wouldn't escape. I turned around and concentrated my force on the lock of the door. I tuned it slowly, stopping as I heard it click into place. I turned around quickly, collecting myself and I started to run away. I knew that the escape pods were close. They were really close. I used the force to guide me around all of the twists and turns of the ship, this ship was complicated.

I smiled as I set my eyes on an escape pod. This was it. I was going to escape. I walked forwards, stopping before I stepped in. I un-clipped the storm trooper armour, letting it fall around me. I pulled off the mask, letting my hair fall around my shoulders. I was about to step in when I heard someone stop behind me.

"Scavenger." I heard a mechanic voice say behind me. I froze. No, no. I was so close. Why now? Why could he have come later? This was not continent. I didn't move, i just stood there. Silent. I couldn't. This wasn't him.
"Ben Solo." I replied, turning around to face him. I couldn't see his face, his mask covered it. But I could see his body language tense up. He was angry. I watched him, looking into his eyes, well where his eyes should be. He didn't need to turn this way. "Please." I whisper, moving my hand to touch his arm. I needed to help him return to the light. I thought I had turned him. I was wrong. I hated him. But I couldn't let him destroy himself. I convinced myself that this was for Leia. She needed her son.

"Go." He snapped, pushing me into the escape pod. "Just go."


I've had writers block. I honestly feel so bad that I couldn't give you guys this chapter sooner.

This isn't a great chapter, I'm sorry. But it gave me inspiration for my next chapter so I went with it.

Thank you for all the support, urgh you guys are AMAZING! Ycfnynbntm ❤️

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