32. Fitting

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Fabrics whirled around me, the woman pushed me up from my chair. This caused me to tumble forwards, my body headed to the floor. I'm suddenly stopped due to another woman catching me, pushing me back up into an upright position. "Stay still!" The woman scolded me, picking another piece of fabric in front of me. I just stayed silent, muttering a quiet apology. The lady ignored me, wrapping a tape measure around my waist and muttering various numbers and letters. She had a note pad in her hand, writing down measurements and colour ideas. Without saying anything, she handed it to the girl next to her. The girl nodded and walked out of the room, a few following her.

"They've gone to get a few options. The ceremony is tomorrow. Make sure you get a good night sleep, people from all over the galaxy will be arriving. Anyway, that's Leia's place to tell you so I shall leave all the rules for her to explain to you." She smiled, cutting the large shirt off of my body. Luckily I was still in my underwear. I frowned as I stood there in only my underwear. I was tired and it was fairly early still.

"I didn't realise this was such a big deal." I say more to myself than anyone else. I hear a sigh and look back up at the lady in front of me. "Well, my love, it is. It always has been." She smiled, putting a piece of fabric in a large bag behind her. As I looked around the room, I felt anxiety grow. It was manic, pure chaos. My once clean apartment was now coated in a fashionable mess. I sigh, looking at the chaos that was my apartment. Why did they have to do this?

I heard a squeak and my door open, I look to the door. A large moving black bag is pushed forwards. "These are her size, Miss." one of the girls smiled, pushing her hair out of her face. The girls unzipped a large black bag that seemed to cover something large, most likely a coat rack or railings. Something like that. As they unzipped it, I felt my jaw drop. The most beautiful dresses were hung up in front of me. These were for me. Me. Rey. A lonely scavenger. I couldn't help but smile. They were really beautiful.

"No, no. These won't do." The woman scowled, gesturing with her hand to shoo the girls away. I was shocked, those dresses were beautiful. "But those dresses are be-"
"Oh Rey, dear. We'll have something made for you. Leia gave instructions for your dress to be very like you." The woman smiled. Her smile quickly dropped and she raised her hands in the air and clapped. The girls scurried to the fabrics, throwing them into several bags. Within minutes my apartment was clean. "Thank you." I smile, pulling the woman into a hug. I felt her arms hold me, squeezing me a little. We both pulled away and she just smiled before heading out of the door.

My eyes shift to the clock on the wall. It's now around eleven thirty. Shit! My date with Lucas is soon. I stop as I catch myself thinking 'date'. Was this a date? Maybe I was over thinking this. I shrugged and walked into my bathroom. My feet shiver under the coldness if the shower base, my hand quickly turns the handle. The water pours down, it drips by my side, as my mind fades into dullness and everything is a foggy illusion. The sensation of the steamy water calms me; it takes my mind of things. All the things I honestly don't care about. It's the water. My mind swirls, and it's like I'm standing under an everlasting waterfall. Ever so beautiful, but it can never last, I know that now. I know that nothing beautiful ever lasts.

"Ben?" I ask, pulling at his Jedi cloak. A frown is visible on his face, he's clearly upset. I see a tear slip silently from his eye, slithering down his cheek and dropping to the floor. It was so quiet, I could almost hear the tear drop echo as it hit the floor. "Ben?" I ask, pulling him into a tight hug. My arms are wrapped around his waist, my head buried in his chest.

"Rey, go away!" He snaps, pushing my delicate little body away. He's angry now, still upset but very angry. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to-"
"Rey! You don't understand. I hate it here! Luke holds me back from what I could become, my parents don't take any notice in me! I mean, look at me. I'm a mess." He takes a deep breath, looking off into the distance. "I'm a mess and so they sent me away. They threw me away."

I felt my heart break as I heard this. This wasn't true. "But Ben, I love you!" I smile, trying to lift his mood.
"Even the light doesn't last forever, Rey." He replied, turning his back and walking away.

I opened my eyes, desperately trying to catch my breath. My hand reached up for the handle and I turned the shower off, throwing myself onto the bathroom floor. What was that? Why were these things happening? My hands moved to pull a towel to cover myself. I was going insane. I needed to talk to Luke soon. As soon as I can.

My hands run through my hair as I look in the mirror one last time. Okay. I'm going to be okay. It's not a date. It's just a very friendly gathering with one person that happens to make me very happy. Okay. I'm fine. I'll be okay. I hear a knock on the door and I quickly open it. "Are you ready?" Lucas smiles, extending his arm.

The answer is no. I'm not ready. But I can't say that. I know I can't. "Yes!" I smile, closing the door behind me and walking towards Lucas, my hand clasping his. Here goes nothing.

sorry for not uploading, I've been super busy!

Today has been a snow day whoop! So I've written this. Another chapter should hopefully come out tomorrow or Friday :)

Thank you so much for 45k views! I love you all so much xx

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