39. The Answer

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Kylo Ren's POV

She has them too. The memories. I hadn't thought too much about it, why would I? I had thought that maybe it was me, my corrupted mind playing games on me. Or maybe it was Snoke, it was something he would do. But no, this is different. This is something else, something more. I can't shake the feeling that this means something, it's something more than just a flash of images. I don't have any answers and neither does she, how do I figure this out?

I didn't want her to know what I had them too, I'm not sure why. I suppose I'm still angry, still upset. I had woken from unconscious alone. It was dark and bitterly cold. A thick substance was leaking from my head and mud coated my body like a thick coat. The pain was excruciating. I almost hoped that Rey would find me, like she did all that time ago on the Resistance Base, that she'd help me. It would have been perfect. But she never showed and I lay there, almost lifeless. I began to lose hope and soon the sadness turned to anger. I had been left to die.

That's why I had reacted this way, pushing her out. It was the only thing I could do to save myself. I look up at the clock on the wall, the hands ticking slowly. I should probably leave, go and find Luke. I'm sure he'd have answers. I still hold a grudge against Luke, I can never trust him like I used to. Not after what he did. But I do get along with him, even if it's only a little. He was the best option right now, nobody else could help me.

I walk out of my quarters, closing the door with the force behind me. The walk to Luke's Cave isn't far, only a few minutes. I never understood why Luke didn't live inside of the base, it seemed ridiculous to me. He could be warm, have a cozy home. My mother was royalty here - she was royalty pretty much anywhere - she could get him his own private quarters. Anything. But he chose to live in a cave. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice cave. It's just that it didn't make sense. I know for sure that I couldn't live in a small tiny cave.

As I approach the cave, a feeling of nausea washes over me like an ocean of regret. I didn't like Luke. I really didn't like Luke. Every single time I saw him, no matter how hard I tried to push past it, I see him hovering over me. I see him with an ignited lightsaber in his hand, the look of hatred and disappointment in his eyes. I see him swing to hit me, to try and kill me. That's something that I will never forget. I will never forget it, not because he tried to kill me. Because he lost all hope in me. He was one of the people that was meant to believe in me forever, or at least see some form of light in me. But he gave up, just like the others. My own uncle. I shake the feeling off, it's not fair to keep blaming him. I mean, heck, I would probably have done the same. Not now but when I was drowning in the ever lasting darkness, the dark side.

"I knew you'd come" I hear Luke's voice echo and bounce through and off of the walls of his cave. This sound is followed by a few footsteps and a deep breath.

"Then I suppose you know what I am going to ask, Uncle." I reply, playing along with this game he is playing. He was always like this, even since I was a boy. I suppose Yoda had knocked something into him, some mystery, some puzzle. Something. I can't quite put my finger on what it is but it's different. It's strange. It's bizarre.

"Yes, and I'm afraid I don't have the answer you are looking for." He sighs, coming into my view. Half of his face is illuminated by the sun beams dancing through the entrance of the cave, the other half plunged into the darkness of the cave. I frown at his answer, that was it? Is he serious? This wasn't good enough.

"Well, I'm afraid that you are mistaken." I sneer back, crossing my arms and getting a little frustrated. No, very frustrated. "You do have the answer, Luke, I sense it."

Luke furrows his eyebrows. He's clearly not impressed with me, he's not the first though. "And yet there's still the anger in you, Solo." He sighs, trying to avoid me by walking towards the wall and rearranging some sort of display he had going on. I roll my eyes and try not to rise to the bait. That's what he wants me to do. He wants me to prove his fucking point.

"And there's still that stubbornness in you, Skywalker." I reply, quite smug with my reply. His lips turn to a weak smile and he turns back around to look at me. I cross my arms, growing impatient. I knew that the darkness inside of me was still present, I couldn't help it. It was decreasing, that was a positive I guess. But part of me didn't want to let go of it, it was part of who I was. Who I am.

"You'll find the answer with the girl, Ben." He finally sighs, walking closer to me. "But you already knew that and yet you hold back. Why?"

My mind flashes, the light growing dim. The sun has shifted due to the clouds that are suffocating it. I did know that. I'm in denial. I don't want to talk to her. I don't want anything to do with her. "I don't know what you're talking about." I reply, my voice shaky. Luke chuckles and shakes his head, he wasn't fooled by me. I should have known he wouldn't have been, he never had been fooled before.

"You have a connection, more than the force. I did warn the child to stop messing around, you felt that. Didn't you? And you reacted in a way that damaged your connection but yet strengthened it. She is the answer." He said, furrowing his eyebrows and walking slowly back into the hut.

He was right. She was the answer. Even if I didn't like it, I couldn't help it.


Soooo.... what do you think ;)))

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