19. A Large Daisy

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Anger filled my veins, flooding my body. Sira was going to turn, she'd turn against the resistance. She'd turn against all of us. Under any other circumstances, that would be fine. I hated her, she hated me. No. I was better than that. I didn't hate her, I just simply did not like her. Regardless of my feelings towards her, she hated me. And that? That was fine. Who actually cares? But this. This wasn't okay.  Ben was weak, weaker than her. Ben wasn't Ben anymore. It wasn't even that. The resistance had already lost someone who knew the ins and outs of every single plan. They had lost Ben. Sira wasn't a great loss but she was a great threat to everything the resistance had rebuilt. I sat there, starting the millennium falcon's engine and waiting for it to lift off of the ground beneath it. Luckily, due to modifications, it quickly jolted to a start.

She was no longer in my view, I'd lost her. Here I was, flying around aimlessly. This wasn't how it was meant to go. Not at all. Yet it was what was happening. I sat there and put my head in my hands, what was I going to do? I had failed the resistance. I had failed everyone. Then it clicked. No. I hadn't lost her. I knew where she was headed off to. I pulled my bead back up and started to steer the millennium falcon around. The first order base. I had to get there, I had to save her, I had to save the resistance. I had to do something.

I pressed autopilot, making sure my path was synced to her. There was no way I'd lose her now. I quickly ran out of the cockpit and down the corridor. I had to shoot at her ship, it was the only way. I sat down and adjusted my aim, this was my chance. I aimed for the engine, that would cause an immediate stop. "Damn it!" I cursed as the blaster missed. Now she knew I was on her. This didn't give her the upper hand though, she couldn't properly pilot a ship. If she was to land she was bound to hit the ground with too much force and speed, she'd kill herself. Or at least hurt herself. I only had two more shots. I had to take the ship down. I aimed again, this time for the main body of the ship, I hit it! I hit it! The ship started to puff out smoke that rolled and bellowed into the atmosphere around it, and I saw the panic as she tried to carry on. But the ship dropped. She was gone.

Kylo Ren's P.O.V

"Ahh the girl is here, she's been seized by my guards." Snoke laughed, leaning against his throne. I scowled looking up at him, still knelt on one knee. This wasn't okay. I didn't want him to hurt her. Not my dear - I couldn't. This wasn't the way. Then I caught myself. Stop. I needed to stop. These are light feelings. These are pathetic. These feelings will betray me. They are betraying me. I look back up and hold back the tears, it's okay. I'm fine. "Bring her in!" I heard him bellow, my body shivered and shook as I heard his words echo all around me.

The sound of the elevator door screeched open and I gulped as I heard footsteps come from behind me. She was here. "Ben!" I heard a voice cry from behind me, I could hear the pain crackle and break her voice. I closed my eyes this couldn't be happening. "Well, well. What do we have here?" I heard Snoke chuckle, standing up and walking to the girl behind me. I opened my eyes and stood up, turning around to watch the events that would unfold before my very own eyes. "She's just as I imagined." He laughed, stroking her face, then continuing to signal a movements for his guards to drop her onto the floor. I couldn't see much, tears were blurring my eyes and the world was spinning around. Fast. "I- I'm not what you imagined, I'm here to hel-" She started before being interrupted my Snoke. He turned around with such speed and force, I saw her wobble before dropping her head to the floor once more. "Silence girl!" He bellowed, picking her up with the force. I saw her wrap her hands around her throat as he lifted her by her throat and proceeded to keep a tight grip on it. "Let her go." I snapped, focusing my force on knocking Snoke to the ground. Snoke fell, clearly not expecting what I had just done. He slowly stood back up and turned to me, his eyes full of anger and hatred. I closed my eyes as I waited for the pain to hit me, for him to do something truly horrifying to me. But nothing happened. He didn't touch me. That's when I remembered. I remembered something that had been taken away from me all those years ago.

"Ben! Stop!" I heard a little girl shout, her arms crossed in front of her chest, her bottom lip stuck out in an attempt to make me feel guilty. She was only young, I was a few years older than her. I was taller than her, I took advantage of that. I was holding a large daisy in the air, watching her try to jump high enough to gain it back. "Ben!" She whined, still jumping aimlessly in the air. Then she stopped, I looked down confused. What was she doing? Then the pain hit me. She jumped up and landed, purposefully, on my right foot, I dropped the flower and grabbed my foot in pain. "That hurt!" I moaned, still bent over, holding my foot. "I'm sorry." She giggled, placing a quick kiss on my cheek before running off to join the others.

Pain filled my body, he was electrifying me through the force. My body pulsed and chocked and repelled. I was in agony. I felt my life force draining and to protect it, I knew only one thing. I had to block myself from it. And so I did. This sent me straight into a dark passage, there was no light. I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness, this wasn't over yet. But even throughout this excruciating pain, I couldn't stop thinking about that memory. That old and distant memory.

so I was gonna post this yesterday but Wattpad was down sooooo here it is! It's not super long, it's a bit boring but I promise I'm leading up to something pretty darn exciting xx

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