Chapter 3

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The flight didn't seem very long. We got off the plane and went through baggage claim. After everyone had their stuff we headed for the main entrance of the airport. That's were we saw Cameron. He came over to us bro hugged hayes and Nash shook Madys hand then pulled me in for a hug.

I could feel my cheeks getting red so I rushed us out to the car. Cameron and Nash sat up front and Hayes, Mady and I sat in the back.

The car drive wasn't long. We pulled into a gated neighborhood and drove down the road about half a mile. Cameron finally pulled into a 3 story house with a two car garage.

We pulled our bags inside the big open living room connected to the kitchen and dinning room. "You guys can pick a room. I have the master bedroom and I expect Maddy and Alli to stay in the same room to gossip, but anywhere is fine" he said pointing towards the staircase.

Mady and I picked a room with a kingside bed a big closet and the bathroom across the hall. The third floor was basically a game room with a balcony. Mady and I unpacked and headed back down to the living room were the boys played a game on a flatscreen that hung on the wall.

After they finished a few rounds cameron finally asked of we wanted to go to the pool. Mady and I immediately went to change. We had matching bathing suits so we wore them. It has some type of Indian looking pattern with pink, green, blue,white, and black on it. We put on our coverup and grabbed towels and headed to the pool in the back yard.

It was an inground pool with a slide and diving board. It was about 3:30 so Mady and I laid on the concrete and tanned.

After an hour we finally decided to get in. We watched the boys goof around then hayes swam over to us. Nash grabbed Maddy and pulled her under. I knew they would get together. Let's just see how far they go. "They're a cute couple" Cameron says from beside me. "Yeah" I said smiling wide.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Cameron asks and hayes just laughs. I smacked him in the head and laughed "I don't have one" Cameron laughed "No really where is he?" he said. "I wasn't kidding" I told him. He looked surprised.

Nash and Mady were in the hot tub so I joined them followed by Cameron and Hayes. " Alli can we talk?" Nash asks and heads toward our towels. I wrap mine around my body and we walk inside. " So I might ask Mady out." he says "good you guys make a cute couple" I smile. "Thanks, but I don't want you with Cameron." my jaw drops. "What? for one you couldn't stop me if I wanted to. And for two nothing is going on" I yelled. "Alli, he's my best friend and that would be weird." I am shocked I just have him permission to date my best friend then he tells me I can't date his.

"Then you can't date Maddy" after staring at each other in silence he runs his hands through his hair and says "fine, but if something does happen and he hurts you I will kill him" I took a deep breath and hugged him. We he headed back out but I went upstairs grabbed clean underwear and a bra. One of Nash's old football t-shirts and a pair of sweats. I headed to the bathroom locked the door and stripped down then got in the shower.

I washed my body with my warm vanilla wash, then washed the chlorine out of my hair, shampooed and conditioned. I stepped out of the shower dried off and pulled on my clothes. I dried my hair and pulled it up into a bun.

I walked back to the room and set my clothes down. I grabbed my phone and headed upstairs to the balcony. I could see everyone at the pool but I ignored it and went through my pictures deleting the old ones. I stopped when I came across an old photo of me and my ex walking down the road hand in hand. I deleted it right away. It hurt but I have to forget him.

I went out on to the balcony and sat. I heard the voices from downstairs fade into the house. I pulled the curtains back and pressed my knees up into my chest. I just sat there looking over the city lights. Soon I heard them head upstairs. Running into the room playing a game.

After an hour of sitting there listening to them yell at each other I decided to get up. I realized I had tears on my face but didn't wipe them. I pulled the sliding door open and nash immediately got up. "What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head and went to my room. I turned on the tv and crawled under the covers. I figured Mady would be sleeping in Nash's room so I would be alone.

My eyes were getting heavy and my body was forming to the bed. My eyes finally getting ready to give up the fight against sleep until the door creaks open and then shuts. I flip on a lamp and see cameron tip toeing towards me. I rub my eyes and lean up all the way.

"Did I wake you?" He asks whispering. "No, I was still up" I say kind of lying. He walks around the bed and sits on top of the covers. "Just wanted to check on you, you looked really upset earlier" he says facing me. "Yeah just some memories that I hand to let go, and finally move on" I flash him a reassuring smile. "So what are you watching?" he asked intentionally changing the subject. "Step Brothers" I say turning up the tv.

We just sat there and talked, talked about past relationships, Nash and Mady, when Hayes will get a girl, then he said "can I tell you something and you not be freaked out?" He laughed "of course" i said. "I have a crush on you" he says his face turning bright red. I can feel mine getting red too. "Can I tell you something?" I asked, he shook his head yes. "I have a crush on you too"


Cliff hanger😂 sorry updating really soon sorry bout the wait.

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