Chapter 2

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I wake up at 8:34 AM. I stretch and grab my phone checking it. Not much a text from Mady saying she is spending the night tonight since her parents are annoying.

I get up and change into a pair of Hollister shorts and a Taylor Caniff T shirt. Yeah I have a lot if the guys' stuff. I put on my old vans and head out side.

Hayes and Nash are in the backyard playing football. I set my phone on a chair and run into the yard with my hands up. Nash throws me the ball and I dodge Hayes then Nash tackles me hard making me slide in the ground.

"Ow, I'm still a girl you Idiot" I say standing up wiping off my clothes "my bad" Nash laughs. I grab my phone and go inside to the kitchen were my parents are watching the boys play through the sliding glass doors.

"You alright?" dad laughs. "Yeah just perfect" I says with a fake smile. He just laughs and keeps watching the boys. I grab a water from the fridge and head up to my room.

I texted Mady and told her I would pick her up in 30 minutes. I grab my keys and head to my car. I have blue lambo. I stopped at the gas station and filled up my car and headed to Madys. I pulled up to her two story house, similar to mine and pulled up to the garage door.

I honked and she ran out and piled two bags full of clothes and such into the care. I drove straight to my house and carried one bag while she carried the other up to my room.

"Wow, those bags are heavy" I say letting out a big breath of air. "Yeah, have you packed?" she asked. "Not yet I kinda wanted you to be here, you have better luck with guys." I say wiping a piece of hair that fell in front of my eyes.

"Guys love you." She says laughing

"I guess" I say walking toward my closet pulling bags out.

After an hour we got all my clothes and shoes picked out. We pulled out frozen and watched it on my flat screen that hung on the wall.

I grabbed my book and started reading again. "Really?" Maddy asks staring at the book. Not looking up from my book I say "Sorry it's an addiction"

She pulls out her phone and scrolls through twitter and other social media sites. My door swings open and hayes and Nash walk in my room. I think Nash likes Maddy and that's really good because if he dates her then he should have no problem with me and cam. Haha what am I thinking me and Cam will never happen.

"What?" I asked as the lay on my bed staring at the tv. "Nothing we're bored" they laugh. I ignore them and continue reading until I hear my mom yell from the kitchen "Lunch is ready!"

We all turn off our phones and leave them on my bed and head down the the dinning room.

I sit down and the smell of several food lingering is amazing. Mom carries the food in and we all dig in. We have more casual talk and talk about how much money they are gonna give us for California.

After lunch I take our dishes to the kitchen and place them in the sink. I head upstairs and crawl over Nash and lean up against my wall. I turn on my phone and play the movie.

"Haha we will have a great time" Nash says FaceTiming Cameron. "Hey Nash shut up!" I yelled from behind him. i hear Cameron's adorable laugh through the small speakers of the phone. "No I won't" he says looking back and then turning around again.

I ignore it and scroll through Instagram, and twitter. Nothing interesting at all. I lock my phone and lay it beside me.

When the movie is over it's about 3:00pm. Nash and Hayes leave and me and Mady talk about how I think Nash likes her. "He adores you I can tell" I say laughing as her face gets red. "Would you care if we dated, IF it got to that?" she asks nervously. "Of course I wouldn't mind at all" I tell her. I can see the relief in her face.


The next day

I wake up early, earlier than I should at least. I grab my phone and head to my bathroom. I shut the door and lock it. Pulled my hair into a bun and pushed back the baby hairs with a head band.

I applied face wash and then rinsed it off. I checked my phone a few twitter things but not much. I walked into my room and pulled out a romper and slide it on.

I put my phone in the small pocket of the bottom half of the romper. I walked downstairs leaving Maddy to herself. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water. I went to our family study.

I forgot my book upstairs so I just got on my laptop and went through twitter. Hayes walked in a few minutes after I closed my computer. "Why are you up?" I asked, because he's never up this early. He just shrugged his shoulders and laid in the couch.

"You ready to be in Cali?" he asks smiling. "Definitely" I stand up and head for the door. "Why? so you can see Cameron?" he asked before I could get out the door. "what do you mean?" "I know you like him, when someone brings up his name your face lights up" he laughs "whatever you say" I say leaving the room.

How does Hayes know? how did he even notice? how long has he known? so many questions going through my mind that I don't have the answers to.

I walk upstairs and keep thinking Maddy wakes up and gets in the shower. We leave in 7 hours! in beyond excited for this!

5 hours later

After the car is packed and we are all ready to go we drove to the airport and go through security and then baggage. After sitting in the open space with several row of seat for 20 minutes. "flight 134 to California is now boarding" booms over the speakers.

We hug our parents and shuffle into the plane. I get the window seat, Mady and Nash in the middle and Hayes on the outside. When the plane is in the air I put in my headphones and watch the clouds below pass by.


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Update soon

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