Chapter 6

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I took a deep breath. "When I started to date Boston everything was perfect. My parents loved him, my brothers got along with him, and he was the nicest person ever." "Time pasted and about a year and a half into the relationship he started to show who he really was."

" I never slept with him, but he was aggressive. He would get drunk and start hitting me. He pushed me down a flight of stairs, he busted a bear bottle over my head, he was so mean." "But I loved him and I couldn't leave him. one night he came over and was drunk. My parent were out of town and Nash and Hayes were out. He started to hit me and ripping my clothes. He hit me again and it all went black."

I lowered my head into my hands, but Cameron lifted my face up. "Keep going I know that's not it" he wiped the tears rolling down my cheek.

"I woke up in my bed. Nash was sitting next to me, he explained that he walked in and saw Boston over top of me, he pulled him off and started hitting him but he got out of the house." "And I didn't end it. It went on for another 2 months before he called me and ended it. First I was relieved but then I kept thinking about the good times we had and then how he hit me and I would get depressed. That is basically it."

Cameron looked mad. He couldn't really do anything about it anyway so why think about it? I'm just tired of crying and thinking about it. "I'm going to kill him" he said in a low voice. "Cam, you won't ever get to. You won't ever see him and I hope I never see him again. Nash already beat the crap out of him." I say. " I just don't know why anyone would ever hurt you" Cam says looking sad.

"I don't know, and don't care about him. Yeah I loved him but that was in the past. I'm just very glad I saved myself." I say hugging him. "I'm glad you gave me a chance" he sighs. "Just don't blow it" I laugh. "Oh trust me I won't!"

We walk down stairs to see Nash and Maddy and Hayes. Nash pulls me into a hug. "That's enough hugs for one day" I laugh. Maddy waves me over to the living room. "You and Cam are good right?" she asks. "Yeah, I told him everything" I sighed. "That's good" she said. I shrugged my shoulders and curled up into the couch.

It was about noon and we were all watching a movie. Nash and Maddy on the floor, Hayes in the love seat, and Cam and I were cuddling in the couch. We heard Cams front door swing open and slam shut. Everyone jumped up and looked to see who it was.


Cams POV

Everyone was relaxing and watching a movie until my front door opened and slammed shut. Every one turned to look who it was. "Oh shit" nash says looking at me. Katie, my ex girlfriend was standing at the door. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked standing up leaving Alli on the couch. "I want you, cam please I miss you so much." She said taking a few steps toward me.

Alli was staring at me with pain in her eyes. "No, we talked about this." I say calmly. "Baby, I know you miss me" she says getting even closer. she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my neck. "Get the fuck off" I say pulling away from her. I look toward Alli and she wasn't there neither was Maddy. "Get out!" I yell. "But cam-" I interrupted her "GET THE HELL OUT!" I yell. She backs out and slams the door.

"Better be explaining stuff to Alli, don't hurt her" Nash says. God both of our exs in one day. Can anything get worse? I walk upstairs in to the room they use to stay in. "Alli" I say opening the door. She quickly wipes her face. "What?" her voice killed me. She sounded like she hated me. "I hate myself, I hurt you when I promised I wouldn't." I say as Maddy leaves the room.

"Cam, I don't think I can do this. It's been a day and I'm hurting already. I think we just need to be friends. That doesn't mean that I don't still have feelings for you" she says. She walks toward me and kisses me gently. Then walks out of the room.

I stood there in shock. My heart hurts a lot. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Why am I crying I was with her for a day? I shouldn't have even tried.


Ahhh! so 2 exs in 1 day. That's not good.

I'll update soon. Tuesday is the last day of school then I will be updating a lot more😊👌

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