Chapter 10

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I was shocked. Cameron never told me he loved me. As I realized what had just happened I pulled Cameron into a kiss. "I love you" I said as he rolled over on top of me. He started to kiss me harder. He slide his hands up the back of my shirt. I pulled away and re hooked my bra. "Not now, and definitely not here" I told him. He looked disappointed but I wasn't ready to loose my virginity. "Can I tell you something?" I asked nervously. "Anything" he said. I took a deep breath. "Don't laugh but I'm... still a Virgin." I could feel my cheeks get red. "I don't care, I'm actually happy about that. But I'm not going to force you into anything you aren't ready for. Just tell me when you are and I will plan a whole romantic date and I will make sure it's amazing!" he smiled then kissed me. "Thank you" I whispered " I just need some time alone" and with that he left.
I felt amazing but the feeling slowly left. I couldn't help to think that this would all just disappear and he will leave, or someone might try to hurt me. I feel the same way I felt when Boston dumped me. I pulled the covers over my head and slowly drifted back to sleep.
Cameron's POV
After I left Allis room I went to Nash. "Bro, you know Alli has been getting death threats?" I asked shutting the door hard. He shook his head yes. "God dammit" I punched the wall but not hard enough to put a hole in it. "There's nothing you could have done, my sister is sensitive, it doesnt take much to get her down" he told me patting my back. "Well she's depressed" Nash's eyes opened wide after I told him. "Your kidding right?" He kinda laughed. "No" I said. "Damn, you won't be able to get her out of that room for weeks. Come on help me" he drags me across the hall.
We walk into her room and Nash turns the light on. "What the hell?" she yells pulling the blankets over her head. "I'm not letting you sit in this room! get dressed we are going to Cameron's then the beach. Hurry!" he said pulling the blankets off her. She was wearing a pair of short shorts that revealed scars on her legs. I gasped, nash didn't say anything like he already knew. "Nash!" she yelled covering her legs. "Alli, im sorry I didn't-" she cut him off. "Yes you did know Nash, you had to have. I don't care what you say I'm not leaving." She said laying back down. "I don't care if you want to die right now. I'm not letting you hurt yourself." He said pulling her out of the bed. "Really?" she said standing up. Nash just pulled her into a hug. Her eyes watered and tears streamed down her face. "I'm sorry" she moved her lips pulling away from Nash. "Now get dressed and meet us down stairs" he said as we left.
"I didn't know she did I just knew she probably would. Don't be mad, I just thought it might hurt the relationship" Nash said putting my bags into the back of the car. I didn't say anything. Moments later Alli came out to the car with a tank top and leggings on. You could see her lime green bikini. "Was that so hard" Nash said pushing her into the car. I drove, Nash sat in the passenger seat and Alli and Hayes in the back. The car ride wasn't long, about 5 minutes. When we got there Alli just sat in the car. When Hayes and Nash went up to my apartment I stayed with her. "Are you going to say anything?" I asked impatiently. "What do you want me to say? that I cut my legs once and it was a mistake, but at the same time it felt amazing. Fine, but I will not be judged by other people" she yelled. "I'm.... I'm not going to judge you, and I don't care what other people think, I want you and only you" I said "I love you" I told her. "I love you" she said. I pulled her into a hug and we sat there until Nash and Hayes came back down.
We drove down to the beach and walked on the sand. I ran up and grabbed Alli from behind and spun her around. When she faced me I told her to jump. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I held her butt. "I will always love you don't ever forget that!" I said looking into her eyes. She kissed me with passion, I couldn't help but smile. We walked back to the car then I drive them home. "I. *kiss* will. *kiss* miss. *kiss* you" I told her kissing her between every word. "I'll miss you too" she said. She smiled but it wasn't the smile I had seen before. It was a fake-ish smile that was hiding pain. "You sure you can't stay with me?" I asked. "Yeah, my dad doesn't really want that right now" she said, she sounded disappointed which was a good thing. I guess.
We stood there for a while just holding each others hands. I wrapped my arms around her hugging her lifting her off the ground. "I love you" she whispered into my ear. "And I love you" I said setting her back on the porch. I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her. After that I waited for her to enter the house before leaving. I drove to my place and unpacked boxes for 2 hours before crashing on the bed.
Allis POV
I woke up and stretched across the bed. It was cold, I definitely wasn't use to that feeling yet. I sat up and pulled my hair into a bun. Immediately after my phone rang.
A- hello?
C-hey babe
A- something wrong?
C- No, but I want to talk to your dad today, see if I could convince him to let you stay.
A- that's not a good idea, I can just tell him I'm staying with Maddy
C- no, I don't want to lie to him. I want him to know, you and Maddy can go out and I will sit down and talk to him.
A- fine, I have to go.
End conversation
Even though I just woke up I felt exhausted, I decided that a nap might help me think straight before Cameron gets here. I flop down on the bed and let out a breath of air.
"Nobody is here right?" cameron asked stepping inside.
"No" I answered immediately
"Good" he said picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he supported my bum. He kissed me roughly and started walking into my room, he laid me down without breaking the kiss. I pulled his shirt over his head and he did the same. "Are you ready?" he asked kissing my neck. I nodded.
"Now, I want you now" I told him. He pulled off my jeans and put his hand down my laced panties and began moving his fingers in a circular motion. "Cam.." I moaned. He pulled off my underwear and I pulled his off. He leaned over me and I nodded. He thrusted into me hard, with each thrust he became more aggressive. The pleasure flowed over my body. ---
I woke up with sweat dripping off me, and my breathing heavy. Did I really just have that dream? I fixed my hair and decided to text Maddy and ask her to hang out. I pulled on a pair of white high waist shorts with a baby blue Hollister shirt on. I slipped on my vans and headed down stairs. I grabbed a water out of the fridge and went into the living room where everyone was. As soon as I sat down the doorbell rang throughout the house. "I got it" I said assuming it was Maddy.
When I opened the door Cameron was standing there. He looked so perfect with the sun shining behind him. "What are you doing here" I asked confused.
"I told you I was coming to talk to your parents." He answered.
"Right, well Maddy is on her way now so I'm about to leave" I told him
"That's fine" he said. I stopped him from walking into the living room and pulled him into a kiss. I was thinking about the dream and I realized we were having a full on make out session. I quickly pulled away. "I am rea-" I was cut off by Nash walking into the room.
"Hey bro" Nash said bro hugging cam. "Hey" cam answered.
"What were you saying?" Cameron asked.
"Um, nothing I will talk to you later" I kissed him and rushed out the door luckily Maddy was outside already. I got into the passenger seat and sighed. "Hey, I was thinking we could go see a movie" Maddy said.
"Sounds good" I replied
"Why are your cheeks so red?" she asked pulling out of the drive way.
"Um..." I hesitated.
"Tell me" she demanded
"Fine, so you know I'm still a virgin and Cameron and I almost went there the other day... today I kinda had a dream that we actually did go all the way, and I almost told him I was ready" I said quickly.
"You two still haven't?" she asked
"No, ew god tell me you haven't with Nash!" I answered.
"It was good" she said
"Ew enough don't want to hear anymore" I yelled
"So, are you still going to tell him?"
"I want to, he talking to my parents trying to convince them to let me stay with him" I said
"Things gonna get hot" she laughed
"Shut up" I said.
We pulled up to the theater and walked in. We bought tickets for The fault in our stars. I'm not gonna give anything away just have to see it yourself. It was amazing though. After the movie we decided to get dinner. We stopped at steak and shake to get food. We ate then she drove me home. Nash went home with Maddy.
I walked in and heard laughter from the living room. I walked in and found my parents and Cameron laughing. "Hey dear" my mom said.
"Hey" I said quietly
"Should have told us Cam was this fun and sweet we would have let you stay with him." Mom said
I was a bit confused but after a long conversation I understood. I was staying with Cameron Friday and today is Wednesday.
I walked Cameron to the door and stopped him. "So I need to tell you something" I said.
"Okay?" he answered
"Um..." I hesitated.
"Don't be nervous just tell me" he said rubbing my back.
"Okay, so I'm... I'm ready" I said
"You mean ready for sex?" he asked
I nodded. "Okay, well I don't know if it will happen Friday but I'm taking you on a fancy date" he smiled.
"You don't have too" I said
"I want to" he insisted
"Fine" I said and kissed him. Watched him get into his car and drive away. I ran up to my room and sat on my bed. I was nervous but I was ready. I got a shower then got ready for bed. I watched tv and went to sleep.
Cameron POV
I can't believe she told me she was ready. I figured she would never. I sat on the couch watching X-men. I mean I have had sex before but I never really stayed with the girl. i really want to make this special for her to show I actually love her.
I'm not usually nervous when it comes to this stuff but with her it's different. I want her to feel special and loved because she is.
I decide to take a shower and go to bed. I miss cuddling with her every night. Having her head rest on my chest. The way she looks at me, her kisses, I miss everything about her when I'm not with her.
I put on music then quickly drift asleep.
So sorry it took so long to update. Comment& vote!
I might start having a certain amount of votes before I update! not sure yet, but please help spread the story! Thanks updating soon☺️

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